(no subject)

Apr 06, 2006 14:54

So hungry. Will feed self in a little bit. But first:

This post in svmadelyn's journal in which many of my secret fic wishes (and some I never knew I had) are mentioned. Not by name, as I would imagine these are the nameless ones that lurk about in one's mind, never to see the light of day. And stuff. But yes. So much goodness focused in one place as to make me happy. See? ----> :D

And also for the science portion of today's pointless lj entry:

Black Hole Love! (Only...we'll all be dead before we can see it, so...cool?)

And please, please, please tell me it's not true that the infamous Gay Penguins broke up because one of them got caught up with some...some floozie. I just...my heart breaks a little to think of everything they've had to face together, the hardships, the torment, and now for something like this to happen... ;_;

Wait, wait. It is true. The Big Gay Love of Silo and Roy is no more.

Secretly though? I love this article. You can tell these people were rooting for the Gay Penguins and were utterly devastated when they broke up. *loves so much*

wtf?, science!, sga

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