I'm so, so ashamed of myself, but not really.

Feb 19, 2006 05:16

So a while back I was both weirded out and amused by the fact that SG-1 and SGA were sucking up all the actors from...just about every televison show ever, one of which was Lexa Doig, from Andromeda. (There's a whole spoilery and totally heartbreaking reason she's on SG-1 in the first place, but I digress.) I'm not sure if I just didn't pay enough attention to her character's bio or if more information was added to it since I first looked at it, but...

SG-1 totally went to the soap opera place.


I just...I really don't remember the show being that blatant about the soap opera-ness before. And okay, so there were instances of amnesia, and presumed dead, and...and...okay you know what? It so totally is a soap opera, but with explosions and cool spaceships (which SGA only gets like a portion of - pasta-shaped ships? Wtf is that? And the only ones around with the cool ships are the space vampires, and that is just really so not fair) and neat CG shots and...and...aliens with glowy eyes that are maybe sometimes also totally camp.

But whatever.

I just remember the show covering up for it with all the cool 'splody things and pseudo!science and all of that to the point where you forgot the soap opera inflences and were all 'OMG! Cool scifi show!', instead of 'OMG! My secret shame! I'm watching a soap opera!'

But see? They don't even try to hide it in Dr. Lam's bio.

I am both mortified and amused and just trying really, really hard not to think about all the episodes I've seen and the possible soap opera plots within said episodes. Because looking back on it? That would be so, so easy, and I really just want to enjoy my cool scifi show without wondering if Daniel and Sam are totally going to get into it over Cameron Mitchell and his sexy hot animal magnetism, or if someone at the SGC is having a secret love affair (that dare not speak its name), and all sorts of things that make me want to curl up into a little ball in the corner and cry.

Also? Even though I've only seen a couple of season nine episodes (so far), I'm so, so intrigued at the arc or whatever that's taking place this season. I mean...seriously. Was it intentional with the addition of Mitchell to the team, or something the writers had always wanted to do and had to re-work potential scripts to fit with the cast changes, and I'm really putting too much thought into this, so I'll be going now. I just...I'm really, truly fascinated by it.)

wtf?, sg-1, dorkish, sga

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