Sat, 22:52: Getting ready to go to the Castle with a friend tonight. Havn't been there in a long time.
Sun, 11:20: Tired. My days off go by way too fast. I've barely drawn anything since AWA, that's sad XP So many projects I want to do.
Sun, 11:23: At least I'm almost done with Xmas shopping. Want to make everyone something though.
Sun, 11:24: Its been so warm out again lately, what happened to Fall? :(
Sun, 11:26: I spent a while at the Castle last night watching people- what they wore, how they moved. Wanted to draw them, but didn't bring sketchbook.
Sun, 11:28: Most years I have an idea of stuff I want to make for friends for presents, but I never get it done. Will this year be different?