There we go again, it's that dreaded time of the year. These are the finals I'll be taking for this semester:
English Advanced Writing (made of ghey win)
English Advanced Reception Skills (with Ms.Witch)
French Advanced Writing
Theory of Literature
Ideas and Literature of Great Britain I
Essay on French prose writers
Critical approach to History, written part.
French Linguistics I
English Linguistics I
French Advanced Grammar (10 thousand times more evil than it sounds)
HISTORY DUN DUN DUN DUUUUN!! (the 5th time I'm taking the same exam because I suck like that)
Critical Approach to History, oral exam.
French Linguistics II (major major OH GEASS NO!!!)
German Advanced Writing
German Grammar
German Receptive Skills (I've never been to a single of the above German classes. I have no idea what the course/exams are about)
(the names might sound strange, that's because I've got all my lectures in French, even the English lectures have French titles so I'm translating literally)
List will be updated each time I've sat one exam.
Half-assed Hiatus only because I'll still be:
-Keeping up with the main comms as much as I can.
-Browsing F-list (but not as often and might miss a thing or two, don't be mad at me if I don't comment as much anymore, I'd rather have you linked me to any important entry in this post please)
-Uploading CLAMP scans
-replying to your comments. I'm not forgetting any of you!!
I might comment on CG R2 if I feel inspired (unlike for the last 2 Turns).
I certainly won't update on daily basis anymore.
I might break down and post emo crap, feel free to ignore. I'll cetainly post more RL stuff because I won't be active in fandom anymore for the next month so I'll certainly lose track of things.
Everybody take care, see you again regularly first week of JULY!
THANK YOU everyone who encouraged me here; in MSN or privately. This means a lot to me <3