It's actually not that bad to stay here for over the weekend instead of going home. Provided I can leave the campus, because it's really dead here since everyone travels home on Fridays.
Anyway I went to Brussels yesterday. To eat mussels. And waffels. And sample chocolate. Yes like the tourists' program xDD
I really like Brussels (I used to live on the outskirts before we moved to Luxemburg), but now I couldn't live there anymore. It's one of those noisy, dirty touristy capitals that are really enjoyable for a day/afternoon or cultural trips. But not to live squeezed in a mini-flat because you can't afford anything bigger.
I had a stroll, reminiscenting about the places, how it had all changed over the past etc.
Lol @ japanese couple who asked me the way to the palace, and because I saw how they struggled in English I answered in Japanese (yes, my japanese is barely good enough to ask my way and give directions myself xD") Their faces were O______O
I used the opportunity to go to the china-town-esque part of the city and top up on Ramen and green tea. And Gashapon.
I got an Abby-whatshername:
(ignore zERO and pizza-butt in the background)
Now I think I've got really ALL the bridge bunnies from GS/D
and Meer:
Now there will be even more ppl on my
GS/D shelf...
I was tempted by that Yzak Voice I-doll and Rah DX Lacus-sama, Cagalli and Meer boobies but yeah 68€ / figure is too much, even for me. I barely go over 50€ for figures unless they are really exceptionally well-made or rare.
Also drooled on the Gunpla, but like the CDs/DVDs most of it were HK rip-offs. I can identify fake gashapon/figures but with Gunpla I'm still a noob and the boxes nowadays are so well copied, even the little glitter sticker and all. So I'd rather be careful an order it at HLJ.
CD/DVDs can be figured out easily because they're so cheap^^;
And Artbooks have chinese alphabet written all over it, horrible colors etc. Found a Code Geass "artbook" with illustrations from when
Suzaku was still Blue Ranger,
the girl's uniform was red,
Kallen had a colorful outfit worthy of the Cat's Eye sisters' and
CC had cotton-candy colored hair. Aa-haa, those were the days...
Last week my Gundam00 OST2 arrived home so PICSPAM!!
Faaaaabulously golden coverthingy.
First pics of the booklet? and they suck
I'll tell you a secret: I only buy those CDs to support the artists. I barely listen to them. Once, to confirm my rips are of the same quality. And then I put them away in my CD tower.
So why not do it like others and leave them shrink-wrapped for collectors value you ask? Well I like to unwrap them (it's almost half the fun), open the box, take out all the booklets/extras, touch them etc. As I said I'm a very tactile person which is why I grope my figures so not creepy at all
I still have some official files, gunpla, gashapons, singles, artbooks and a doujinshi flying to me. The idead that they are crossing the ocean/continents on their way to here appeals to me xD" *is weird*
Listen to this repeatedly and you will experience some weird sensations I promise...
Rejoice Sunrise whores; there will be a
Ack only 31 hours now. Fucket. In the merde desuyo.