Oh god has it been almost 2 weeks again?

Jul 20, 2012 17:06

The internship is OK but so tiresome... I stare at a computer screen all day and can't really bring myself to start my laptop once I come home.

Speeding through what I've been up to:
- Saw The Amazing Spiderman. It was OK. Honestly after Avengers, the bar is set pretty high. I think I will enjoy Batman more than this. I like it that they obviously draw inspiration from the "Ultimate" universe and that Peter is not such a dofus like Tobey!Peter, there were some nice moments and stuff but yeah I wasn't really that moved. And Andrew Garfield still has a giraffe neck.

- Trying to get tickets for the avant-premiere of The Dark Knight Rises next week.

- Internship: Nice stuff going on, my tasks are pretty varied and not too boring. My co-workers are also A-OK.

- Since I work with the internet all day I always have a fandom tab open. I caught up with almost 6 months of fandomsecrets and tons of lulzy tumblrs (but no Hiddleston blogs at work, because when I see pretty pictures of that man I'm sure the noise that come out of my mouth are not from this world. And if I have to hastily navigate away I probably have a guiltier look on my face than if I had been browsing pr0n at work. The things this does to me is not healthy anymore...

- Reading. I have a backlog of 100+ mangas now that Japan Expo is over... IDK how I will read all of that before Japan because...

- Watching Teen Wolf now (haters to the left). Mostly because a) nothing to watch on TV during summer and b) the fandom cracks me up. In case you're interested, this sums it up pretty neatly:

Laugh not, this is the legit plot of Teen Wolf.

Other than this, I'm pretty free right now. No applications to send in, no September exams, nothing. Haven't had such a laid-back summer in a few years.

random post of life and doom, us shows

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