Feb 03, 2011 20:29
The Firefly
Eh look at the title! A reference to a show I don't watch! You bet I was looking for the connection within the episode. Well played Mr. JJ.
So, the observers are cold bastards? Perhaps. I still think they're the first people. I'll go with that until I'm proven wrong (at latest during the season finale). BTW first people, was that the reason they warned us to be wary of Sam Weiss in the previous season?? Still waiting for his evil move.
It was a relatively "nice" episodes, compared to forever-nightmare-fuel episode with the dead balerina balancing in some shady dude's basement *shudder*
What's it with people bleeding from their noses this season?
What's it with people getting their fingers chopped off this season? No seriously, TVD and Fringe you need to stop that shit.
So Peter went from "herp derp I is in lurve with Olivia" to psycho killer? Fine whatever. Olivia will bust your ass for this. Twice.
I'm liking that Olivia is only making slow steps into the direction of forgiving Peter. I'm tired of females on TV who are so in love that nothing else matters, love conquers all etc.
I'm also liking that the official name for the other Olivia is "fauxlivia". That "Bolivia" shit sounded retarded.
And also, rumors about fauxlivia being preggers with Peter's baby? I call BS. The source is someone "Oh I live where they shoot and I'm friends with ppl on the set and they tell me things te-hee". Wow. Someone's generating an online buzz. Easily done, since Fringe rarely gets any spoilers out. Whilst other shows have the plots of their finales revealed weeks in advance, when have we ever known anything significant from Fringe (except Nimoy's guest starring, wow)? That would be some shitty plottwist. Come on, condoms, how do they work?
And when the Observer told Peter "It must me hard to be a father" I think he simply meant it's difficult for Walter to take such decisions regarding Peter (since the whole episode was a test for Walter, it fits).
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