The usual "after-finals-break" is starting.
Going to the usual ghost villa (our holiday house on the Belgian coast, for the newer friends amongst you who didn't know that yet)
I don't know what I'll do first, catching up on series boxsets, spring animes or sleep. Probably all of them. And plan Japan trip a little closer.
...this is the sort of things I do there:
-Walk this little fellow
-She chases the seaguls
-Not exactly pearlwhite sand
-Puppy needs washing off the sand after her stroll on the beach (my butt looks fatter than it really is. Plus these are last year's pics, I've lost weight since then and changed hair color about 3 times)
Will most certainly not find any place with internet access. I'll take my chibi laptop with me in case they've discovered hot spots by now over there, but I'm not counting on it. So consider me offline until the 28th.
Take care~