[Meme: The Ultimate Boredom Cure]

Jan 09, 2009 14:58

Years roleplaying?
About five years now
Least favourite character?
The ones whose voices I have trouble grasping.
Male or female characters?
A fairly even mix of both.
Oldest character played?
Longest character played?
Miti, Dite, and Darius
Newest character?
Technically, going by canonical muse verse, it'd be Frankie.

Which character of yours would be most likely to...
* Jump off a bridge?
For the purpose of suicide? Only Dite, though that wouldn't really be her style. I have quite a few who would bungee jump off a bridge, though.
* Get drunk and pass out?
Dite, Frankie, sometimes Leyna, Derek or Mav if enough alcohol was actually available to cause that.
* Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?
Frankie or Jaq.
* Be far too hyper for their own good?
...Again, Frankie.
* Be raped?
Tough call. I'd probably go with Adina, just because she's non-violent, prone to being a slight airhead at times, and is in a position to attract stalkers.
* Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?
Frankie, Jaq, Mav, Derek, and Darius
* Star in a horror movie?
* Star in a whore movie?
Is this meant to be like a sex tape? Because I could and in fact know that Dite, Leyna, Frankie, and Adina have all made sex tapes. I can't see any of them doing industry porn, though. ...Except maybe Frankie. freak child.
* Star in a video game?
Chris. Hands down. Geek boy.
* Make the world a better place?
Brienne, definitely hands down there.
* Have a torrid gay love affair?
Dite or Frankie

Relate each word to a character of yours.
* Love:
* Hate:
* Money:
* Seduction:
* Lies:
* Tragedy:
* Manipulation:
* Violence:
* Politics:
Um. I have no clue.
* Fire:
* Ice:

Would you ever...
* Play a prostitute?
If I ever had a character that fit the part, yes.
* Play a musician?
...No comment. Seriously.
* Play a pilot?
In a past incarnation, Maverick was licensed as one.
* Play a homosexual?
* Play a politician?
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