It's not that plan on leaving LJ. Not by far. I just want to really make this my personal space for proper venting and ranting and excitement that's more in diary style. I wanted to separate out all the random things that I've wanted to post about to hopefully clean things up a bit.
I know I'm all over the place when it comes to this journal, but I also know there's a limited audience here as well. I'm ok with that, but I want the random short posts to be heard and for someone else for a brief second to say "that's cool!"
Tumble was the answer. I now have said space of randomness at here I plan on sharing things like recipes and photos from the wild, even videos that I find or make. I just want more of a creative space.
And thinking about creative, I have it in my head that I want to make my own cellphone charms. Mind you that I do not have a phone that will allow me to attach a charm to it, but double nearly as well as keychains and zipper pulls. To do that I've started looking into Sculpey as I keep hearing it in passing as the decent (perhaps not best, but good enough) clay to do the job. I'm still afraid to try with the house bing messy and not having the time to devote to it, but it's the latest idea in my head and I think it's kind of neat and personal.
I don't know about you, but personally I'd be super excited to be walking around with my own chibi-kitsune charm! And that's what I plan on making first! And if that goes well I want to move on to other things like my hunter, since she seems to be my character and persona for most things.
If this proves anything, it's that I'm my mother's daughter - taking after her in the craft department. I guess it can't be helped!
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