[FIC] The Rising Sun

Oct 29, 2011 18:52

Title: The Rising Sun
Author: kitsune_hikaru
Category: One-Shot
Pairing: YokoRyo
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: Ryo is MINE~!! (Author is delusional) *gets smacked*
Summary: It was always the little things about Yoko that Ryo never give a damn about the distance.
Warning: Un-betaed.
A/N: A very looooooong overdue fic I promised yukitsubute... lol~ I’m sorry I ( Read more... )

yokoyama yuu, nishikido ryo, !fanfiction

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Comments 12

spot for Yuki~ kitsune_hikaru October 29 2011, 10:52:59 UTC
Spot for yukitsubute


Re: spot for Yuki~ yukitsubute October 30 2011, 08:25:29 UTC
Oh gosh, I am sorry for being so late, I didn't see the story, because I have bigger problems with my Internet.

I didn't remember about talking about YokoRyo with you?!

I really love the story, I think I will save it on my PC, I absolutely love the way you write. I don't know where to start....

I absoltely love the comparison between Ryo's hands as a junior and his hands now. He is a grown up now, and even Yoko has to admit that Ryo wasn't the small boy anymore.

I love how you describe Yoko in your story.

But in that split second, Ryo thought Yoko was in fact someone who worried more than he should, and beneath his confident proud exterior was a very insecure and nervous guy. I think that's totally Yoko, and even though Ryo is the junior, I think he can give him strength and confidence in his very unique and own way ( ... )


Re: spot for Yuki~ kitsune_hikaru October 30 2011, 13:10:16 UTC
*laugh ( ... )


Re: spot for Yuki~ yukitsubute November 1 2011, 13:34:11 UTC
Ah, now I remember. ^^ Thanks soooo much for writing it again, I really loved it. :D

Yes, I totally see Yoko like you wrote him :D

YOu are right, there are not much Kanjani fics around, but somehow I understand it. There are so much people reading it, but they do not comment, and that's annoying.

And yes, it's right that it's easier to write pairings who are friends in RL. ^^

THanks again for writing it for me *bighugs* *hearts* *cookies*


lybrint October 29 2011, 17:31:55 UTC
This is really nice story kitsune_hikaru...it really nice~ Thank U 4 sharing =)


kitsune_hikaru October 30 2011, 12:42:32 UTC
thank u for ur compliment~
n thanks for reading too... ^^
glad u liked it~~ ♥♥♥


sweetspicyhot October 29 2011, 19:08:41 UTC
Thank you, I loved this. I love the way you use setting. I love this line "His neck was craned back, watching the naked blue sky that day, with only the faintest wisps of white, like breathy caricatures sponged across its wide bare expanse." That's just beautiful. It sets the mood brilliantly ( ... )


kitsune_hikaru October 30 2011, 13:21:29 UTC
oh my, thank u~~ u made me flustered, as always~ ^^
the basketball scene~ lol~ this fic was written when i read KT interview, where junno said he wanted to play basketball with yoko... *headdesk* actually, i forgot i wanted to add a scene where ueda pats junno's head to remind them moments when yoko pats ryo's head~ *fail*

then blended with yoko's wink killer letter when he mentioned he used to treat ryo to cheap restaurants when they were junior bcoz yoko doesnt have much money that time... lol~~
n well, u should love yoko. he is very caring n attentive in his own way~ ^^

subaru is a genius, really... no one would come up with a plan like that other him... but really, he needs help in his own love life too~ lmao~~ XD

aah, i love everything about ryo n ueda, n i know u knew... lol~
i cant promise anything about the multichap, really... i'm quite nervous n a bit pessimistic about it...
but anyway, thanks again, u've always been a good friend n support~ ♥♥♥
*hugs back*
n owh, i missed autumn~~ *_____________*


dekkawai October 29 2011, 22:31:02 UTC
Baru I love you >< you help them..ohoho
love their tension ...thank you xD


kitsune_hikaru October 30 2011, 13:23:25 UTC
haha~ baru is always nosing around other people's business~
but they can finally work out with baru's help~ he deserved a nobel prize~ ♥
thank u so much for reading~
glad u liked it~ ♥


lilly0 October 30 2011, 08:36:00 UTC

I'm just sitting in a café, my internet connection is down. But I wanted to comment on this immediately, because I loved it so much!!

The hand he’s holding had always been giving him courage, giving him confidence to move on. That tiny little hand had stored the strength he needed along his path.
I loved this sentence! It just shows so much about their relationship and how it changed during the last years. Of course Ryo grew up. And I loved it that Yoko realized that not only he gave support to Ryo, but also Ryo gave support to him.

I loved a lot about this Fic!! It was so subtle and still so strong!!!!!!!!!!

I loved this little moments of jealousy and when Yoko pretended to act like a Senpai, though he actually acted like someone who is in love.

I loved Subaru's plan ^^ Really...bothersome friends ^^ And Yoko definitely owes him now XD

Thanks so much for this amazing Fic!
I want to read more and more and more from you!!!!!!! *HUGGLES*


kitsune_hikaru October 30 2011, 13:58:52 UTC
*hugs u back soooooooooooooooo tightly n wont let go*

awww, u're sooo sweet~~ wait... r u guys in a conspiracy to make me blush hard?? lol~~ ^^
but well, i appreciate that u liked my style~ though it kinda weird bcoz i like urs~ n lori's n yuki's~ haha...

i'm glad u liked that line~~ it was my aim along the fic indeed~ ♥♥♥

i know~~ yoko is soo oblivious with his own actions, lol~~ n somehow i always have this cute image when yoko holds chibi ryo's hand... hehe... i hope a have a photo of that~ :P

thank u sooo much for reading again, dear~
i'm sooo glad u liked it~~
*hugs n cuddles with u*


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