Feb 06, 2007 10:18

Well this last weekend was pretty kick ass. I had the whole weekend off, a costume to wear for the Fantasy party and I was paid from work., clothing and plenty of relax time, win for me! First off it starts with some sushi at the local Sushi BBQ Inn down the road. I didn't plan on going but apparently if you bribe one of the people that are going with cake, that gives you an invite. There was plenty of food to be passed around, but once it got to the end of the table, expect an empty plate back. Tozetre is a black hole and tapioca milk is still delicious. Litui, Xpizzaslave, B and Toze were there of course, and two more guys showed up, one named Lindin (I think that is how it is spelled) and "other dude" (I am very bad with names >>;; ) Food and merriment. Afterwards was the beer run, lead by Tozetre, yes, you read correctly, Tozetre. He needed "Ale" for the fantasy party and cheap elven wine. Just a note, Elves don't make cheap. I know this from personal experience...really! So closes the first evening.

Saturday, after staying up most of the night playing my new game Rogue Galaxy (a game of SPACE PIRATES) I decided to actually put some effort into my costume. Sewing machines are EVIL! I had to have Sparky, Jon and the instructions manual help me in using the stupid thing...but costume was finished, I was a Rogue/Assassin. I then went to bed and was awakened by LARPERS! Well Litui and Xpizzaslave and "Lightning" tennis balls. There was plenty of ale left over at the end, much Elite Beat Agents and some DDR. Eventually everyone was winding down. B, on the other hand...well was wide awake and alert for some odd reason. Everyone was also playing hide and seek, using pictochat on the DSs. Xpizzaslave and Litui crashed in my room as did I. ProtonJon went to his and there was much snoring in the house.

Sunday was a short day, but still fun. We cleaned up the house and I fed everyone pancakes. yes, everyone from the party was still there, except Ko-pod my "twin" per se. Though he is not furry, so he should not be a twin. I still am pleased by his existence though. I have not seen Tozetre cry like that in...well ever! When everyone headed off we all sat down to Tozetre GURPS. It was a fun day all around, then it ended and I went to work.

So... recap, bought two new games, partied, met new people, hurt Tozetre, played more games, slept, made money. Yep, great success!
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