Fic: Lost Souls

Apr 01, 2011 01:08

Title: Lost Souls
Author: Frost Valentine
Prompt: Ghost
Author's note: So this was just one of a few stories and drabbles that I've been working on. Enjoy! ^_^

Henry knew he had found the woman of his dreams the minute he laid eyes on her. Long blond hair flowed down to a tapered waist and bright blue eyes gazed at him from across the crowded room.

"Wow," he whispered. "She's so beautiful." Without realizing it, his feet began to move on their own; carrying him closer to his mystery woman. He was so focused on reaching her that he failed to notice a gentleman walking his way until he ran into him.

"Oh excuse me," he said quickly, eyes darting to the other man to see if he was alright.

"Quite alright," the other man said and went on his way. When Henry looked back to where the woman was, he saw that she was gone. He scanned the crowd but couldn't find her anywhere. He asked every person he came across if they had seen the mystery woman, but no one else had seen her. Dejected, Henry began making his way to the bar when a flash of blue caught his eye. He turned and saw his mystery woman walking slowly up the stairs.

"Hey! Wait up!" he cried. He pushed through the crowd and practically ran up the stairs. When he reached the landing, he saw her walking slowly down the hall.

"Hey," he called out. She turned and gave him a small smile before entering one of the rooms. He jogged down the hall and entered the room that she had gone into.

It was empty.

"What the..." he muttered to himself. He knew this was the room she had entered. He had seen it with his own eyes.

"Henry are you alright?"

"Shit man!" he exclaimed as he clutched his chest. "Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry," said his friend, Ryan. "But you were just standing there looking lost and confused. Plus, the way you came running up here made me curious."

"Man, I was following the most beautiful woman I've ever seen! Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes...."

"...And wearing a dark blue dress with heels to match?"

"Yeah!" Henry said excitedly. "Do you know her? Man, you gotta introduce me to her."
Ryan sighed and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Henry, my friend, leave her alone. She's...outta your league."

"What the hell? I have a good job and I wouldn't treat her like trash like some other guy."

"Whoa. Hey, that's not what I meant. She', how can I put this?"

"Just spit it out already," Henry said angrily.

"She's dead, Henry. You've been chasing after a dead woman." Henry chuckled softly.

"That's a good one, Ryan. What did you do? Did you pay one of your friends to lead me on a goose chase?" Here, Henry walked over to the closet. "Is she in here?" he said as he snatched open the door. The only thing inside were a few hangers and a moth.

"Henry, listen to me. You were chasing after a ghost. I had nothing to do with this." Ryan waved his hand around the room. "If she were a real girl, why isn't she in here?" Henry stared at his friend for a few moments.

"I...I don't know," he finally said. Ryan sighed softly.

"Listen," Ryan started. "You aren't the first person to see her. Apparently, people have been seeing this woman for about twenty years or so."

"Wow. What happened?" Ryan shrugged.

"The stories range from murder to suicide, but no one knows the real story."

"Man, that's sad," Henry said softly. Ryan shrugged nonchalantly.

"It is what it is. But c'mon, let me introduce you to some real girls." With a smile, the two friends made their way back downstairs; unaware that pair of sad blue eyes was watching them from the shadows.

writing, original fic

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