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Comments 61

violateraindrop August 14 2010, 12:40:08 UTC
Wohoo \o/
As soon as I finished the .pdf I'm going to read the story again ;)


kitsune13 August 14 2010, 12:41:09 UTC
Hee! I hope you like it, and that it turned out worthy of your wonderful art!


violateraindrop August 14 2010, 15:32:02 UTC
Without you amazing story there wouldn't be any art ;)

The story is still amazing for me or even better than the last time I read it. I have the feeling that I caught more details about the case this time which is really interesting.

It also finally has a NC-17 part :D

Again I have to say that this was the perfect story for me: Wincest combined with a case and not much about the apocalypse. This is definitely not the last time I read this story ;)


kitsune13 August 15 2010, 03:31:56 UTC
Thank you so much! And yes, the porn FINALLY happened. :)

I absolutely LOVED all those old-school Sam/Dean casefiles, and wanted to write one for myself -- apocalypse? What apocalypse? :D I'm so glad it worked for you, too! I figured there had to be a couple people wanting the same thing. *g*


You Say the Dead..... ewanmax August 14 2010, 16:06:03 UTC
I really enjoyed this and want to thank you for the hours of pleasure reading it.


Re: You Say the Dead..... kitsune13 August 15 2010, 03:32:17 UTC
Thank you so much! And your icon cracks me up. :)


roque_clasique August 14 2010, 17:13:47 UTC
Thank you so much for the fascinating read. The setting was engaging, the OCs were amazing, and you are a spectacular writer. The unfolding of the love story and the parallel to Sam and Dean was beautiful and sad. This is definitely one of my favorite big bangs of the year. So beautifully done. Thank you.


roque_clasique August 14 2010, 19:37:30 UTC
PS recced you on my journal and at sawedoff_recs  here. Thanks again for the fic!!!


kitsune13 August 15 2010, 03:32:56 UTC
Oh wow, thank you so much! I am insanely flattered by the sawed-off recs post, too -- I love that comm. :D Thank you again!!!


dayadhvam_triad August 14 2010, 18:21:13 UTC
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. It was incredibly, wonderfully satisfying. I really loved the sense of place which runs throughout the fic--Charleston, and the church graveyards, and the foooood ♥ The description of the house's smell was very visceral too.

On top of that, the UST! the theme of going around the next bends in the road ahead! the parallel of Ryngo-Helen to Sam-Dean! (the visual of Sam laying on top of Dean's grave, oh my heart) And the ending--I'm not big on porn, but your writing was so lyrical and lovely. ♥ And He doesn't let go. Short and sweet and to the point.

Possibly one of my favorite parts is when Sam is going through Ryngo's papers and reads about the "anodyne for longing" (and lack thereof). That's when I sat back and thought to myself, all right, this is going to be amazing.

Thank you so much for writing this. My day has been made, I am so happy when fic like this can make me so emotionally satisfied. ♥


roque_clasique August 14 2010, 19:38:07 UTC
&uarr &uarr -- YES, the anodyne for longing, that was what had be rocking back in my seat, too.


kitsune13 August 15 2010, 03:36:52 UTC
Thank you so, so much! I've read this comment, like, a million times, grinning like a fool. :D

And oh god, the "no anodyne for longing" bit. When I came across that in Ryngo's speech in Bennett's book, it just *hurt*, and I knew that it would have the same effect on Sam. I'm so glad it worked for you, too! I recommend the Bennett book, if you liked the descriptions of Charleston and its folklore -- it's really interesting.


dayadhvam_triad August 15 2010, 04:05:12 UTC
An awesome story such as this deserves comments, and I like to point out the things I love about stories. :D

I'm really impressed by the research you put in on Charleston; I'm curious, how did you come up with the story idea? It just works in very well with Charleston history; I appreciate it so much when writers put in the effort to infuse stories with the sense of place. Thanks for the tip, I'll have to find some time to check out that book.

ALSO ALSO ALSO after seeing your reply I'm now rereading this and in the very first scene you invoke the Bluebeard story, and in the post-sex scene you talk about the DOOR OPENING and Sam not remembering why it had to be locked in the first place OMG ARE YOU REFERENCING BLUEBEARD'S LOCKED DOOR??? I don't think there's a clear Bluebeard-Bluebeard's wife parallel with Sam & Dean the way you deliberately paralleled Ryngo-Helen/Sam-Dean, but the locked-door-->unlocked-door theme! *flails*


silviakundera August 14 2010, 19:10:52 UTC
This is exactly what I wanted for Christmas Big Bang! Good casefile, UST, no angels. A nice, classic-Wincest style piece. A pleasure to read.


kitsune13 August 15 2010, 03:38:22 UTC
Bwah, thank you! A no-apocalypse story was exactly what I wanted, too. :D

I am always insanely flattered when you comment on my fics -- I'm going, "EEEE SILVIA LIKED IT EEE!" ♥


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