
Apr 25, 2010 23:22

Today was my birthday yay!!! I had to spend a good portion of it driving but that was ok! I had Graham with me and we had a fun drive. He's been playing my pokemon game lol! I've had tons of yummy food this weekend and I got $200 from my parents! Though they're on our Verizon rebate cards lol! XD Hehe very fun :3 There were some disappointments though :< Like some people I thought were my friends didn't even wish me a happy birthday which made me sad. I mean I at least try to do that for all my friends but oh well I guess. And of course there was traffic issues with the drive home, bleh. But ah well there was good stuff still! And I am now 22! Yay! I'm not ready for class and work tomorrow! I  want to go back to the hotel we stayed at and sleep more lol It was very nice ^^

I'm excited to spend some of my money, I got $30 from my pawpaw and a family friend. It'll probably buy my lunch this week ^^;;

Joy's wedding was gorgeous too! I cried, of course. She was beautiful and I was sad I didn't stay long but I can only be around 300+ people I don't know and have them constantly pushing religion on me. ^^; but yeah very pretty.

This weekend Graham and I have the move! I'm nervous/anxious/stressed! Everything seems to be in line but I dunno. There's so much cleaning to do at my place and I'm afraid I'll have to do it alone since it's on Friday. No clue if I'll get it done or not @_@ But I will be happy to have my own place with Graham finally! Lots of stuff to do for the apartment though DX ah well

So yeah busy day and very busy week to come! A little disappointed in some friends but such is life, ne? Things were still happy! Looking forward to being unpacked and in a new place lol but I suppose that will be a good while in the future ha ^^;

Oh yeah, and I have Graham addicted to pokemon XD he's been playing my game since the drive here and leveling up my pokemon so I'm ready to battle the elite four woo! It's adorable watching him lol!

Anyway off to bed!

pokemon, birthday, weekend, moving, stuff

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