'sup, yo?

Nov 08, 2009 23:07

Hey all what's going on? I'm alive and doing alright. I had a really bad week this past week but now things have been made better thanks to Graham and lots of my favorite melon treats X3 We finally went to H-Mart and so I was able to get my beloved melon bread, melon ramune plus other melony treats! I was very happy!

But yeah my week was bad last week but it's ok. I'm doing better. I just might not be able to go to Germany and it depressed me a bit. But I'll live. Other things are going alright, I've missed a bit of work and school because I just don't...I don't have much of a drive for school and work. I don't want to do it any more but I don't have too much longer, I hope. And I hope things go well. I'm so tired of school.

Graham and I are doing very well <3 I'm so in love with him! We've talked about  a lot of things...we might even move in together if he gets a house soon. It's exciting but definitely a big step we will be continuing to talk about. I am so happy with him <3 He really keeps me from sinking down into deep depression moods like I used to be prone to doing. He keeps me happy and I feel so loved.

There is one problem. A certain someone continues to flirt/hit on and check out Graham blatantly whenever she's over and we're having meet ups at Tim and Shannon's. It's pissing me off. Everyone can tell that she's hitting on him and it's crossing a line. You don't do that to a friend and her boyfriend. I'm to the point where I'm just going to have to go and say "BACK OFF BITCH" bluntly to her face. She pisses me off with everything she's doing, I don't even want her in the same room as us anymore because it's getting out of hand and I've had enough.

I know that Graham will be faithful to me, I trust him. It's her I don't trust though. So yeah. Just grrr.

Anyway, besides that we are very good. Month three is approaching! And so is his birthday! I'm worried about what all to get him but I think I've found some stuff he'll like! I can't wait! I've planned some stuff for his birthday too, it should be fun :3

We're also going home for Thanksgiving, only it won't be on the actual day of thanksgiving, we'll be there on Friday because my parents have the football game on thursday. We've got a hotel room and we're staying in a verrryyyyy nice suite hehe!

So that's about it for now. School is going alright and love life is wonderful! We've only had two real fights and they were over stupid stuff so it's all good! Just gotta keep someone from thinking they can get my man. *huff*

Hope everyone is doing well. I need to do more doll stuff...hopefully I will if it because official that I can't go to Germany.

Ja ne!

graham, life, love, school, happy, update

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