So much stuff!!

Mar 20, 2007 23:04

Ok so first off because this is so happy making...

SAKU AND SAKURA ARE HOME!!!!!!!!!! THEY CAME IN TODAY AND OMG I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY!!!!!!!! I will post some pics, but you can't insult them cuz they dont' have their faceups yet!! They will soon though!!

My babies~~~~ I'm so happy they're home!

The box!!!

Oh noes! Bald and nekkid!!! Gotta fix that!

Much better! But two need faceups!
Saku: Oh shut up. We look damn good.
Sakura: But we will look better with makeup...and maybe if my eyes were opened up a bit more...
Welllll Yuki will take care of all of that!

Ok sorry this isn't flipped but....I was really excited and wanted to post everything! So...just tilt yer head XD Damn Saku! You're looking sexy!
Saku: Damn right I am.
Kyle: ;-; Sakura stole my shirt!! And my capris!!!
^^;;; sorry dear but I had no other clothes for her yet!
Kyle: *pout*
*hugs* Poor baby, you're just jealous because you're no longer the center of attention...How about a group photo!!!
Kyle: *horrified look* NO

Twins: *smirk*
Kyle: Oh god...they have a hold of me...HELP!

Yeah they're pretty mean to him. When I tried to pose them....they pushed Kyle off the desk! Poor boy! I'm sure he'll survive....I hope ''''>>

But eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I can't wait until they get their faceups! they'll be even better! And I'll take tons more pics!!!!

But anyway! Other stuff~

I am finally going to quit my damn job! Why? Because one of the night ladies I work with made me cry today. Oh and my job just plain sucks.

But yeah the bitch has always been mean to me and today she finally made me cry. See, I asked if it was possible for me to leave around 7:30 or 8:00 because I just have lotsa homework I gotta get done! And well this whole having to be at school from 10-9 just doesn't give me any time to study!!! So when I asked her she glared at me and said very rudely, "You know, you were given a schedule at the begining of the semester. You should have told Mary to change it if you couldn't work it. And I, keeping my cool even though she was saying this all rather loudly and in front of others, "I understand that ma'am, but it's just difficult for me to keep up since I have so much homework and there's really no one else who can work this shift." "Well it's just an inconvience to us." Ummm that right there is pure bullshit. Know what? BECAUSE THEY DON'T DO SHIT! I DO FUCKING EVERYTHING DURING THAT SHIFT! You know what they do? Sit at the computer, read magazines and books (While I'm not even allowed to read or do homework!) and surf the net! Oh sure, they have to check books in and out but you know what??? THERE'S BARELY ANYONE THERE FROM 6-9!!! Inconvience my ass! I'm the one who has to keep busy and do cleaning, shelving, recycling, newspapers and count. You know the one reason I can't take thursdays off is because the one woman who has to work then says since she's the only one at the front desk she can't do it herself! When quite honestly she can! There's like two other people there at work! The two research assistants and they can just as easily watch the front desk because it's right near their desk!!!!! Stupid bitch!

Anyway, back to how she made me cry,

I again tried to explain to her that it was difficult for me since I have had many changes to my schedule and right when I was about to state the fact I'm there from 10-9 without any time to do my homework, she just sighs irritably, purposly interrupting me. So, still keeping my cool, though getting very upset at this point say; "If it's not possible for me to do so, I understand and I won't leave, I just need-" "Oh just do whatever you think needs to be done." And then she signed my time sheet and shoves it in my hands!

Yeah. That was it. I was not in the mood nor have I had enough sleep to handle shit like that from some old biddy bitch! So after going to rant to Yuki and shelve books, I go back over to the desk and speak with the other lady and basically let them know I'd be speaking to Mary about quiting very soon (hopefully tomorrow!) Because honestly, I don't get paid near enough to deal with that shit and my schooling is tons more important than sitting in some library for three hours every night not doing anything! Not even my fucking homework! So I'm through with it. I don't need the stress and I don't need to deal with that. Plus I need more cash! So I spoke with Jade and I might get a job at Things Remembered in the mall. The amount of hours I work may not be great, but even if it's the same amount as what I have at the library, I'll get paid much better! So yeah.

I am a bit nervous about meeting with my boss, but the other people I talked to (who were tons more understanding) told me she would understand. They were actually very surprised to find out how inconvient my schedule was. They said it would be much better for me to just take it easy, relax and get some sleep ^^;

So hopefully it will go well~ and hopefully she'll let me quit like now instead of waiting two weeks. I need to rest~ and I really, really, REALLY hope I get the job at the mall! Even though I may have to work like one night a week until 9 it's tons better than all week!!!

So yeah today had started to go down, and was really bad, but when I got home and found Saku and Sakura's box on my bed I was much better! And my Sakura costume is nearly done!! Just gotta wait on the petticoat, tail and necklace!! I can't wait! ^^ Aggiecon will make me much happier, especially if I get my work done and don't have to stress over it.

Anyway go look at pics of my babies now!!! ^^

quiting, sakura, job issues, good day, saku, bad day, arrival, bjd, pictures, kyle

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