Mar 16, 2007 04:37
Ok I know I said I had wanted my next post to be with pics of Saku and Sakura but something has just finally sent me over the edge.
I am fucking sick and tired of my own friends treating me like I'm some non-thinking, zero common sense, unintelligent, dumbass.
I know damn well that I am smart and have better common sense than half of you! I'm the one that fucking plans all of our trips and gets it all together while at the same time trying to make it easier on ya'll!!!
So you know what? Stop fucking giving me those looks or saying: haha you? Think? Yeah right you never think about anything! BULL SHIT!
Yes. I go to a Junior College. Not because I was behind in classes or because I was too stupid to get accepted anywhere else! No! It's because A) I wanted to get my most difficult courses out of the way at a school where it will not cost my parents thousands of dollars in case I flunk one course. B) I did not apply anywhere else. I did not try to apply anywhere else. I knew what I wanted to get done at Blinn first. C) Because I was a stupid sophomore in high school I screwed myself over in math and I had to retake geometry which cost me a year of a higher math course and a year of science! Yes, it was a stupid mistake but you know what? I went through a lot of shit in highschool and sophomore year was not fun. And quite frankly I am bad at math. I'll admit it. It is not my fucking cup of tea and I despise every fucking second I spend in a math class. But I am not an idiot.
So stop treating me like I'm stupid or uncapable of thinking or doing simple things or even some difficult things! I am a helluva lot smarter than you all know, I just enjoy being able to slack off a bit and seem laid back! Yeah sure if I really pushed myself I'd probably have straight A's and would be through with half my classes at Blinn. But damnt I don't want to burn out. I'm just taking it by stride! I AM NOT STUPID.
You all may think your joking but a good portion of you SUCK at joking like that. You say and do very hurtful things that you may think of as funny or just a joke but they're not coming across like that.
The past few days I have heard: "Oh haha you don't know how to be organized or to think seriously." Excuse me? I don't know how to do what or to be what?
Yeah. Fuck you all ok. I'm sick of it. I would love to get some fucking respect for once. Hell I'm older than most of you (it may be by a few months for some but you know what:? A lot of times that can make a difference) and I've gone through a helluva lot more than some of you have. How many of you have been kicked out of your house? How many of you can't even treat your room like your own room but instead have to keep it up like a guest room? How many of you have to hide your hobbies, your friends, your own sexual orientation? How many of you can't even talk to your parents about things on your mind because they don't even know who the fuck you are anymore? How many of you spend 10 hours at the school, on campus (not in a dorm) unable to leave even for lunch or dinner? Four times a week? How many of you have a storage fee to pay every month because you're not allowed to bring the stuff in your storage building back into your room? How many of you must devote your entire weekend schedule to whatever you mother wants and only be able to do as you please so long as she has nothing else planned? Any of you get insulted or yelled at by your parents just because you don't enjoy the same sport as them?
Yeah if any of you have to deal with all of that, then fine. I apologize for you having to deal with that bitching fest. But I am sick and tired of you all that walk all over me and continue to bring me down about my intelligence and my common sense. I'm through with it. The jokes are getting old and are starting to become nothing but insults. I know more than just stuff about anime and manga or video games and yaoi, ok? Those are hobbies for me that I prefer to chat about rather than school since I'm at the school all the fucking time! UGH.
HATE ><#