A day in the life of Kit:
- 05:06 So thanks to really bad cramps and a storm outside I'm up 3 hours before I usually start waking up for work. Awesome. -_- #
- 05:11 So what am I doing until I can possibly fall asleep? Listening to Automatic of course! XD #
- 05:26 ad: just in case, at printrunner you get 50% off of color copies if you use the code JUN50CLR before jun 15th is.gd/2rDzi #
- 09:07 Morning tweeps! Today is the day! #
- 11:54 @ HunterRyu Good luck!!! I hope you aren't going to start either!!! That would suck! #
- 12:23 Cleaned my apartment for nothing it seems X_x #
- 12:25 But that's ok...I'll just work on making myself look my best for sure! #
- 13:42 omg I love txting back and forth! I can't stop grinning from things that have been said! #
- 14:53 Fuck you period fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you!!!!! I can't look good in anything thanks to bloating and UGH!! FUCK! #
- 14:57 @ HunterRyu I don't have any T_T and I couldn't find anything at the store to wear and nothing in my closet augh I hate this #
- 15:03 @ HunterRyu I know!!!! And ugh I don't think I can eat anything anyway. So nervous >< I wish I could just find some clothes to wear though :< #
- 15:14 Ok...showered and calmed down a bit. Going to wait for my hair to dry somewhat before I go back into my closet to find clothes. #
- 15:18 @ HunterRyu I might go and pick up something...I just ugh. The whole trouble with clothes makes me not want to eat either T_T I hate this! #
- 15:46 Ugh I feel sick to my stomach. I still have like...5 hours before the date too....uggghhhh #
- 16:18 Hair isn't cooperating...I'm afraid to even attempt makeup. Still no idea what to wear. AUGH. Fuck I hate being a girl. #
- 17:31 Yeah I just...I just fail at being a girl. Maybe I'm trying to hard? Meh. Oh well I at least look better than I did after work. Like lots. #
- 17:34 Three hours until the date...two and a half before I leave to go meet him. Nervous!!! #
- 17:56 Take a deep breath. This is going to go well. Obviously he likes me...he called me sweet today! This will go well. I will not spazz! #
- 18:25 ad: really come to like F-Secure Internet Security. what do u use for antvirus/firewall? is.gd/2svOg #
- 18:32 Mom called and decided to mock me because I was already practically ready with two hours still to go. #
- 18:38 I do have a problem though. And it's my dad's fault. He used to take me places too early so I was always ready early :< I can't help it! #
- 19:00 45 minutes before I drive out to Grapevine to meet with Graham! Kya! <3 #
- 19:15 Is not panicking. Whatever is giving you that idea? Nope no panic. Not me. Not at all. WHAT?! I am NOT panicking!!! Ahhhh!!!! #
- 19:26 Omg omg...it's so close to being time. Oh god...can I really do this? God this has to go well...please please please go well. I'm so nervous #
- 19:46 Time to go...cuz I have to leave a little earlier so I can check my mail and what not. Wish me luck everyone! #
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