blah blah blah

Feb 19, 2007 14:23

blah blah blah blah

That's all it sounds like when my professor is talking. I seriously cannot stand this fucking class! AUGH! I'm totally not gonna take four classes this summer. I'm taking two. Because damnit I need a break ><

I'm seriously begining to burn out. And now my parents are talking to me about maybe going to Texas Tech

Ahhhhhhhhhh @_@

Damn real world :p

But yeah. Week two is over for the wait for Saku and Sakura!!! Now only....3-4 more weeks to go!!!! '''XDDD

I wannntttt them hooommmmeeee! Luckily I have their wigs ordered!! Now I just gotta have Yuki's pattern book come in so that she can make them clothing! X3 Weeee

I will be so estatic when they get here. Then Kyle will have some company while I'm gone at school and work all day every day X_x

I want it to be Friday soooo badly. And it's only monday augh!

I wasted all weekend in bed because I was le sick. Now I'm feeling slightly better. But I do have one helluva headache. But that's cuz I couldn't fall asleep until like 5 this morning. That sucked ass.

And I think I'm hungry.

I haven't taken my appetite suppresents in over....7 days and I've lost four pounds.


Guess since I had the flu that kinda helped. Ah well....

20 more to go before I get a new wardrobe!!

And new cosplay outfits! w00t!!

I'm so going to have lolita outfits too. Yay!

Ho hum...I had more to say. Buuuuut I forgot. My head does really hurt.

My professor is sooooo dull and augh. I would learn more from the book and going back to high school.

Seriously. We got on a conversation about inbreeding in Europe.



I want to go home~~~ I get food when I go home! And I don't wanna go to work! But damn my need for money!!! *shakes fist* I really wish my bosses had put me on the schedule I had original requested. That would have been sooooo much better. This working until 9 at night thing sucks ass. It's almost like being at Sonic again!!! ><# Except you know...I dont' have anything to do at this job '''>>

ANYWAY. O.o I need to be writing again. Instead I'm drawing like mad. Hehe.

Oh yeah. Have a new charrie!! Jin-Ho Ga-woon Kim! He's my korean jrocker XDDD He's such a little shit I love him XD He's fun as hell to draw too. Takes after Miyavi, is as short as Hyde and dresses so fun X3 Go to my DA to learn more about him :3

Welllll class is drawing to a close. THANK GOD!

Gonna go home and eat and then nap!!! o.o maybe. Unless meds work on my headache...hmm we shall see.

Dunno when I'll update again. I need to get Kyle to update his journal.


life, college, history, bjd, kyle, sickness

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