I have absolutely nothing to do at work...granted I'm about to run an errand but that'll take me about 10 minutes max. Oh joy. Twitter is down too ._. it's awful!!! Ah well...figured I should update with something of sorts.
Still have murderous plans towards my roommate. Maybe
dark_skada would be willing to hold her while I punch her in the face as payback :p lol srsly though, I need to do something to make that ghetto ass bitch pay.
I'm really having a bad week though. My grade in my Professional Selling class is not what I thought it'd be. Granted, I really only need 39 points from the final to get a B but still...was hoping for an A *sigh* Hopefully I got an A in my design class though. I'm going to go turn in Extra credit and some revisions tomorrow after I take my last final...which I need to make at least a 75 or above on. I'm hoping I can do it though. I got a 78.8 on the last one. So maybe an 80 will be possible.
I also screwed up at work. I took some papers to the wrong place but in retrospect, it wasn't completely my fault. There wasn't a room or building number written on there and 'Travel' so I took it to travel. But that was wrong and Betty had a fucking cow. Stupid ho. Write the location you want it taken to next time D<
I was also forced to take a break for lunch today and I'm not allowed to leave at 4. I have to stay until 5 >_O Not happy making.
Money is well...depressing. I get paid on the 15th but it all goes towards rent and installation fees. Woo.
Tomorrow I start moving into my apartment though. I've got everything pretty much packed up. There's some loose stuff but mostly because I figure it'll be easier to take as is to the place anyway. I hope I get everything out tomorrow though.
dark_skada and her husband will help me during the day and that will hopefully mean we get it all done so all I'll have to worry about on Friday is cleaning. I'll actually get to sleep in my place Friday night and will hopefully have cable and internet as well. Yay~ though the Charter people are getting on my nerves. They keep calling me while I'm at work wanting me to get telephone service. I don't want it. I have a cell phone thankyouverymuch. Ugh.
Just...lots of shit to do. I'm really hoping the happy will pick up once I'm out of my dorm. Though I start working 8-5 every day next week. Oh joy. Though I might get to get away with working half days on friday so I don't go over my 40 hour limit. Hope hope hope. That or just come in at 9 every morning instead of 8. That won't be too bad I imagine...
I have a small (and I do mean very small) meetup tonight with one of the new girls to the doll group. I just needed a break from school and moving shit and playing with dolls is always nice.
UGH >_O It'd be nice if they'd give me all of the fucking errands at once instead of making me run back in forth in the fucking heat >< It is too hot to keep this up. No more errands for the rest of the day or I swear to god I will quit. Ugh.
I want to get off of work so badly >< I hate it when Vicki isn't here. And then when Janet leaves I'll be left with just Betty. Augh fuck. I hate this week. I'm kind of regretting my decision to have two jobs because I still won't get to enjoy the summer except on the weekends and my one trip. Mur
I need to cool down now before I pass out. And hopefully find something productive to do until 5 so I don't go nuts here >_O