Apr 30, 2009 13:16
Holy shit this semester went by fast! o.o I've got two weeks left! Oh fuck! >< I've gotta completely pack and clean my dorm before the 15th and also, find a place to live annnnnd get ready for finals @_@ oh snap. I need a break but can't take one ugh!!!
I'm hitting overly stressed mood soon. Sooooo that means I'll be lacking in sleep and will probably be highly irritable. I apologize if I snap at anyone. It'll only be because I'm going to be super tired and worried.
I still have to meet with a counselor and get advised for Fall 2009. I'm only going to take like...12 hours though. Mostly to help my parents with expenses and so I can keep working.
Good news is that I will have two jobs this summer, and, according to current calculations, I should make a little over $900 every two weeks. That is VERY good *_* that means I can pay my half of rent, finish layaways and start saving for the VAMPS trip as well as money for next semester.
I also hope to save up money for a hamster.
It's looking like I'm going to try and get an Efficiency/Studio apartment. It'll be small so that'll be another reason not to get any more dolls ^^;;;
*Sigh* God I would kill for a massage right now ;~; and to not be sick. Although according to the quacks up here I'm not sick. Just go ahead and ignore the fact my chest feels like there's a respiratory infection or that I'm pretty damn sure I have a sinus infection -_-### stupid doctors. Yes, I realize there is panic because of the Swine Flu (STOP LICKING MEXICAN PIGS YOU FOOLS! D< ) but that doesn't mean you can blow someone off just because they don't have flu symptoms. There's a high chance they have something else!!!! ><# idiots.
bleh so yeah. Stressing, sick and frantic. A fun combination, really.
In case anyone is wondering...yessss I am still upset by other shit that has happened to me but the good news is I have gotten Aya and Fu back. I'm pissed off because Sakura is not in my possession still and she hasn't been sent to Hong Kong STILL. That should have been done back in fucking MARCH UGH. This is what I get for trusting flaky people, meh.
Also, random, I totally have a girl crush on Lady Gaga XDDD Srsly she's hot and has great music. I'd hit that X3
But I think I've given up on girls ~_~ time to go back to the boy side. Or just accept the fact I could end up alone X_x
Ok enough of that. I have 30 more minutes left to kill before class. I probably should have done homework buuuuuuuut yeah, my design energy and creativity has been drained -_-;;; I'm ready to just go through today's lesson and get the hell out of here so I can sleep. Mmm sleep...I needs i.
So yeah enough rambling I guess. Just about to hit panic mode and figured everyone should know! Hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy! And remember to drink plenty of fluids, wash your hands and no licking mexican pigs. I know the last part is gonna be hard, but srsly, gotta lay off on that XDDD
Ahhh yeah I'm totally crazy <3
swine flu,