I hadn't realized just how attached to Ten I was until he's standing there going "I don't want to go!" And I'm making little flaily-hands at the screen all "I don't want you to, either!" ;_;
It's going to take me a while to fully process Ten's death I think. I've said this before, but I've been a fan of Doctor who since the 90's and have seen all of it back to Hartnell, and I had preferred other Doctors before, but Ten is and always was my Doctor. It's like the others were placeholders until he came along because Ten is who the Doctor always was in my head.
But the constant change is half the fun, and I remember I didn't like the like 30secs we got of Ten when he was first introduced. My how things have changed.
Yeah, he took a little while to grow on me too. The first little bit that we got I thought he looked like a Hobbit and was quite unimpressed. I kind of hope the new kid (god he's so young! o.O) does take the Doctor in his own direction a bit, rather than trying too hard to be Ten Again, because he just can't be.
(Incidentally, I haven't seen the trailer for the new season, don't want to know anything about the trailer, I consider trailers to be spoilery. :-))
It's going to take me a while to fully process Ten's death I think. I've said this before, but I've been a fan of Doctor who since the 90's and have seen all of it back to Hartnell, and I had preferred other Doctors before, but Ten is and always was my Doctor. It's like the others were placeholders until he came along because Ten is who the Doctor always was in my head.
But the constant change is half the fun, and I remember I didn't like the like 30secs we got of Ten when he was first introduced. My how things have changed.
Yeah, he took a little while to grow on me too. The first little bit that we got I thought he looked like a Hobbit and was quite unimpressed. I kind of hope the new kid (god he's so young! o.O) does take the Doctor in his own direction a bit, rather than trying too hard to be Ten Again, because he just can't be.
(Incidentally, I haven't seen the trailer for the new season, don't want to know anything about the trailer, I consider trailers to be spoilery. :-))
He did a really really good job of it, and I think he's the second one I think of. Four is still the one I imprinted on back when I was a kid.
Incidentally, I haven't seen the trailer for the new season, don't want to know anything about the trailer, I consider trailers to be spoilery. :-)
Yep, I remember. I'm always worried to say anything out of cuts 'cause I don't want to spring anything on you by accident
Four used to be my Doctor, but Ten took me over completely.
I'm always worried to say anything out of cuts 'cause I don't want to spring anything on you by accident
I really appreciate the consideration. Someone else commented on my last post with observations about the trailer, which was rather frustrating. :-P
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