Jan 08, 2009 00:44
It really figures. Now that I actually had something planned to do tomorrow, my computer decides it never liked booting up anyway. ::sniffle:: My compuuuuter's broken! And yeah, I know I could probably get it limping along again with some work, but it's honestly been on its deathbed for a while now, so...
Guess I know where I'll be going tomorrow morning, huh? So much for saving up for a laptop, a new desktop's suddenly an issue. Until then... install, WoW, install like the wind! I have a date with Stratholme! (I've wanted to try it out on this shiny new one for a while, so I guess now I have an excuse. Expensive excuse, this.)
Oh, and I've decided. I never post about things I do in a timely manner, and I'm not gonna worry about it. I'll put the pics/stories up eventually. Maybe even in the right order (doubtful, though. I'm lazy, after all.)
Short version:
*Pointfest rocked, even without Avenged Sevenfold.
*We really need to adjust our Thanksgiving day output to match the fact that it's for 3 familys, now. I misses my leftovers, I do.
*Trans Siberian Orchestra puts on the best damn show ever!
*The Universe laughes at my wishes for a warm vacation spot. Enter: The only cold and rainy week LA's seen in. Well. A freakin' while.
*Why is it that the closer it gets to the holidays, the more insane and rude people get? Trick question, methinks...
*Oh dear god, just shoot me. It'd be less painful than working New Years Eve again. (And again, and... why do I do this every year?)
*Staying sick for a good week even when using my days off to rest makes me whiny. Well, whinier.