Still alive...

Jun 26, 2005 14:51

life is stress. *aargh* My departure gets nearer every day and I'm torn between happiness and feelings like i-cant-wait-to-get-on-that-plane and wuaah, "I'm scared". I don't want to work anymore, because I have nothing to do at the moment, I'm so happy to leave on the 4th of August. On the other hand I worked at my company for 3 years, which is a long time and I will miss it. Not so much in Australia, but when I come back. I'll miss a lot of things. :(

I read so many books the last weeks, mainly because I had to wait at the hospital and doctors for hours. For example, I read "Empress" by Shang Sa. Very difficult to read but nice none the less. I read all the Harry Potter books again except PS and CoS which might have been wrong since it's said that important clues to the Half-Blood-Prince are in CoS. I cannot wait for HPP, I'm so curious. I read Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen which was easier than I thought it would be considering the book was first published in the beginnings of 1800. And the last Book I read was Trickster's Queen by Tamora Pierce. I had it in my posession since last year when it came out but I never read it. And I'm not really sure if I liked it. In my opinion the Tortall books of TP are getting worse with each book. I loved the Song of the Lioness and those are still my favourite books of all time I think, and the Immortals, I loved them too but not as much, and the last book of the series in the Divine Realms..I think this is the point when something started to bug me and I'm not quite sure why. Well, TQ was nothing for me exitment wise. I knew from the first book on that Dove would be Queen and almost everything else happened like I expected it to happen. It was too black/white for me no real surprises and new magical ideas. And those characters were boring, too. I don't know what I expected but this was not it.

I also watched Pride and Prejudice. Which was great, I would have never thought, it would be great like this. Haven't been to the cinema for ages because all the movies seem boring. *sigh* I try to get some tan during the last week since I need it for selfprotection. Can't be completely white in September.

What else? Nana and Fruits Basket arre still my favourite manga, I still love Ayumi Hamasaki with passion ;) and nothing important happened...;)

music, australia, books

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