Madison Drivers

Aug 31, 2005 00:30

This, my friends, is an oxymoron.

I have almost been killed three or four times while driving. Now, I'll admit, sometimes I am not the most self-aware person and this does extend to being on the road--but never, /never/ have I faced drivers like this.

My light was red and I was making a right hand turn into a lane. There was traffic coming across from my right, and very little space. So I find a small opening, make a turn AND ALMOST PROCEED TO DIE AS THE PEOPLE ACROSS THE STREET AND UP THE ROAD GUNNED IT THREE SECONDS LATER WITHOUT NOTICING THAT I WAS TURNING INTO THEIR LANE! I expect some things while I drive, and one of them being that people look in both directions before slamming on the gas to pull out.

Instance two. I was driving on the beltline (note: VERY BAD IDEA) and there are two lanes in front of me: one has a truck, one has a car. The car was in his lane, truck in his, and the car was about mid-distance up the truck. There's a sign that says that the lanes are merging. In Ohio, the truck would have slowed down and allowed the car to pass, what with it already being mid-distanced through it and all. Oh no, no. Not in THIS state. The truck speeds up and proceeds to pull over, almost knocking the car off the road, and forcing me and the car to slam on our brakes--the car not to get smashed, and me to give the car more space to move back as I wasn't prepared for the truck to barge like that.

I was driving through a toll, and starting to speed back up, when this car on my left SPEEDS by me going 90 miles an hour, and practically swerves into my lane to make ME swerve, to make me get out of the lane so he can get ahead of me.

This. State. BLOWS. At least as far as driving goes. The people I've met seem pretty friendly, and the gaming store in town rocks. Of course, it's Pegasus Games, so it bloody well rock or else I'd want my money back. They reserved a copy of Mage for us on the basis that we kept coming in nigh unto hourly to ask when Mage was in. It's a good thing too; they're all sold out now it looked like when we came in to kibutz.

Rush has started to become more acclaimated, and I'm glad. He looks really happy when he starts talking about his classmates and he's opening up and just talking to people. It's weird, but I get upset when he's shy since he's so interesting to talk to--it's like he's cheating people or something. I feel a little bad though; I'm not as happy for him as I could be, because I'm so upset and worried about not getting into any of my classes. Registration is today, and there are some seats open. But registration for me beings at 1:30. Here's hoping, all of you people, hope for me too!

Tish, out.

In other news, the food kinda rocks. I've run into 3 Japanese places (and actually Japanese people, which is a first outside of campus)
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