Apr 03, 2007 11:23
Amy is an 18 year old female working through her senior year of high school. She had always been physically healthy, and never had trouble keeping a job. She has a family history of alcoholism and abuse, and a possible family history of depression and anxiety disorders. Amy was raised by an anxious, over protective mother, and an emotionally absent father, both immigrants to whom English is a second language, alongside a sister one year her junior. Amy reports having resented her mother for her persistent attempts to keep her daughters from participating in social activities with peers and for her reactions when those attempts fail. Amy and her sister often did things in secret to avoid the stress their mother caused them. She also reported extreme feelings of frustration, confinement and guilt, all of which she attributed to her mother. She largely ignored her father. Amy has very few close relationships and says she has trouble identifying with her peers. Intimidated by other females, Amy got along best with older males. Her romantic relationships are usually long-term, lasting over 12 months, on average. Ironically, she believes she is physically undesireable, that she has no personality, and that she is good for little more than souring relationships. She exibits an obvious prefference to withdraw in the face of something potentially stressful, esp. being misunderstood or refused to be heard, if it can not be avoided completely, and will also refuse to eat. She has been hospitalized once as a result of an apparent eating disorder (NOS). Amy wants to go to college away from home and major in Psychology.
Currently, Amy reports feelings of inadequacy and inferiority, and percieves herself as hideous and "ogre-like". She denies any resemblance she might have to other females her age, and describes herself as hugely obese and "deformed". This perception is paired with anxiety in specific social situations, specifically, those involving other females, and symptoms of depression. Amy continues to display disordered eating behaviors and a preoccupation with controlling her weight.
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I hope to finish this one day.