Me as Helen of Troy

Oct 31, 2002 09:59

October seems to have escaped me.

October 1998

October 1999

October 2000

October 2001

The weather has been vile, and I have just recovered from my latest bout with Brazilian death flu, so I suppose that is why it has flown by without my notice. I regret this, because autumn is when I wake up and become more human. Summer makes my blood thick and stupid.

Today I have a dentist appointment in taserworld. My evil-parasite-afflicted aunt etc. are still visiting taserlady, and I would like to stop by, but I don't think I will have time if I want to be home in time to catch dinner before work.

We avoid being fed by taserlady at all costs.

She says she is not cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year, which she says every year, lying, but mother seems to believe her this time and suggested that we order pizza. This depresses me, which is irrational, because I have no particular desire to be force-fed until violently ill AGAIN...but I also refuse pizza and will have to scrounge up my own. I made sad noises, and Mom said that it doesn't really matter anyway.

Given that rationale, maybe we shouldn't bother to put up the Christmas tree this year. Brat won't be home for most of the season, it's a lot of trouble, and it doesn't really matter anyway, does it?

This is Homecoming weekend here, which means that we don't have classes tomorrow. I am happy about this but have to study all weekend anyway, because I have the three nastiest tests the week after next and do not want to be sick again.

Mom is in Sedona, Arizona, with Linda-lady for a CPA thing. Sedona is supposed to be the "psychic capital of the Southwest," and Linda wants to have their auras read. Miyu is desolate at her absence.

I had to drive her car home from campus yesterday, which made me nervous. They think I am insured on all the cars, but I know I'm not. If I were, Brat would be, which means my car insurance would have jumped up hugely when she got her license. It is mother's baby anyway, and I would be killed if I bent the license plate or anything.

I do not think I will Sailor myself up tonight, for the first time in five years. I am tired and refuse to answer the door anyway. Dad the BAKA bought candy even though he knew I had a dentist and work and he has night class and Mom is gone, so he told me to put it in a bowl on the porch. It had better be all gone when I come home.

I haven't driven myself anywhere out of town since the semester started. I am going to listen to Cinnamon and pretend it's 1998. I need to get their second CD, which has been out forever but doesn't really exist. The first is from 1997, and every single copy of it I have ever seen has NOT FOR RESALE stamped on the cover in gold. Punkin got hers in a used CD store, I got mine on eBay, and it's all a mystery.

If she and I had been born Swedish, Lime Girls would have happened.

The antibiotics tampered with the girl pills, and I remember now why I am taking girl pills. This is not a fun game.


I have been booted from the server abnormally often in the last few days. DSL has just now become available in this Godforsaken hellhole, and I may attempt to whine Dad into that. My main argument is that he could cancel the second phone line, which might make it end up costing the same. Not counting the home networking kit he would have to buy me. I have been coping with 24600 since I came home, and I tire of this.

It's Sprint DSL, though. I don't know if I trust them to provide me with constant service, and their customer support is more or less nonexistent.

I need to get dressed so I can haul my sad self to campus for tax-o'-doom. I wanted to wear my knee boots today but discover that I have nothing appropriate with which to wear them. raahr. It is a Greater Sabbat, which makes me wish I had someone to help me burn shit in a bucket or similar like in high school. I am pissy that Halloween is not a school night for the first time in years with no way for me to take advantage of this.

Kilgore, take me away.
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