
Feb 27, 2009 23:24

hello livejournal.

i cannot believe it's been over 3 years since you've heard from me.

people change a lot in 3 years.
it's really way too much to try and catch you up.

so what would make me return to you after such a term of absence?
well, i got bored at work today and started re-reading old entries. i re-lived some old memories, and i just was very thankful that i'd had the insight to keep a journal...i was quite the quirky little kid back in the days :) and i had a mouth on me, i did!
well, i still do, to be honest.

i can hear a cops show in the living room....the narrator sounds way obvious like he's reading a teleprompter.
"sure enough...there is the suspect...but stopping is not in the suspect's gameplan..."

i should see about getting a job as one of those lonely little people that sit in a room and type out all the captions for shows.....i would fuck with people so bad, it would be awesome.

there are quite a few things on my mind.

my boyfriend, aaron, called me a few hours ago. he just arrived in balad, iraq, where he will spend the next six months. our conversation was a little less lovey-dovey and even though he was clear that he wasn't upset at me, it still kinda put a damper in my mood. cant help it, i dont like my darlin to be upset or worried about anything.
i cant wait for him to get Skype set up so we can video chat. i love seeing his beautiful face and staring into his amazing eyes...and i'll hear his voice and i can smell his t-shirt he left me so it will be as close to having him here as possible.
so i have that to look forward to.

tonight i was going to go to the winery with some ladies from church and have a ladies night...and i would've gone...and it would've been fun...except it's like $8 for a glass of wine there. DAVE RAMSEY WOULD HAVE A HEART ATTACK! and seeing as how i'm thisclose to being debt free, I'm on a budget this month and i'm bound and determined to stick to it. also, if i'd gone, i would have missed aaron's call.
so what did i do tonight? I got on Skype with Neeners and video-chatted with her for a while. Then I noticed my old friend Luke from Washington was on aim so i started chatting with him...still am actually.

i was a little disappointed that i didnt hear back from the lawyer today. i got screwed over in a real estate deal (my realtor told me i needed to pay the deposit directly to the seller in order to extend my closing date...the date wasnt extended by more than a week which did me no good and my money went into the seller's checking account. oy.)
a real estate lawyer was looking over my case and was supposed to get back with me today to discuss....oh well, maybe monday.

i miss aaron terribly. i hope the next 6 months flies by.

i just got randomly sleepy, so i'm off to bed.

good to see ya livejournal. i wonder if my old friends will read this....
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