Title : Short Text Messaging System.
Genre : General BFF-ery
Rating : Gen
Pairing : N/A
Disclaimer : I only wish I owned these five idiots. D:
Summary : Aiba is bored in the hospital. His cell phone was the only thing at his disposal.
Notes: Really random idea. xD
it only starts with one. )
May I ask if I can translate your OS in French ? You'll be credit and link back at this entry of course ^^"
Here it is >> Short Text Messaging System
Add all the colors and layout took me almost as much time as the translation XDDD Hope you'll enjoy to see your work in another language ^__^
Every time I reed a good story that I like, I want to translate it, but I don't have much time to do so XD But your one-shot is short so it didn't take me too much time to translate it, and it was really cute and funny (oh, I've already said that before XD)
Well, thank you again~ ^___^
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