Jan 13, 2007 19:43
I went over to Leslie's last night. When I walked in they were already watching something with Jared Padalecki. I thought for a second it was Supernatural but no. It was House of Wax with Paris fucking Hilton. It was awful. But it was unintentionally funny and I think Fatty K would have been proud of all the symbolism that we caught. By far the best part was Paris dying which happened after the all so important strip tease. I don't even know if she had much dialog, which is a good thing. But I'll never forget that glorious pole going threw her head. The house melting was kinda cool too. That's when we realized that the people weren't just wax but the whole house was too! After it was over we needed to mentally wash it of our minds so we watched Beavis and Butthead Do America, which I had never seen. It was pretty funny but Beavis' mental trip/hallucination was fucking insane. It scared me more than House of Wax.