Oct 10, 2006 23:28
so dad and i went out to lunch and an interesting conversation.
we talked about how people don't tend to keep in touch with friends like they should. and how it's a very simple thing just to call someone. but we get busy, we move away, we grow apart, we forget simple things like birthdays. he said i'll be lucky if i talk to some my friends once a year (like christmas).
it's actually something i've been thinking about a lot lately for obvious reasons. most of the people i call friends are from high school and i've known them for a long, long time. i can't imagine my life without any of them. i'm scared that we will lose touch. we're not the most punctual or thoughtful bunch. our class motto was "put off till tomorrow what can be done today" and we do. i do too. more than i'd like to admit but that's just the way i am. anyway he was talking about when i get new friends. when i get a job and move away, get married and whatever. i guess i considered most of my college roommates friends. not the bestest of friends but i had some good times with them (i've wiped my memory of the painful ones). and we hardly keep in touch. lauren called me in january right after my grandfather died. i don't even remember most of what i said but thinking back on it i pretty sure it was around her birthday and i don't know if i told said anything about it. dad said to call her. i told him her birthday was back in january. he said better late then never.
around this time i noticed that he was tearing up. i remember i was telling him that aaron, leslie, and travis had come to grandpa's funeral for me. and that even though travis and i don't talk all the time and have sort of grown apart that he came all the way from grand rapids. so i don't know if it was the talking about grandpa or old friends that made him get a wet eye. i asked him, i forget how i worded it but he said just getting sentimental. and probably that his lawyer and i are his only friends.
then he asked why jennie was moving back. i said she wasn't making friends. i also said something about her and her girlfriend. dad said what about her girlfriend. so dad and i had a odd conversation where i outed some of my friends. he didn't know about travis or jennie and he thought that len being gay made sense. whatever that meant. the funny thing to me is that when i told mom and granny about jennie, they said that they had figured that awhile ago. they didn't give me any specific reason so that's a mystery. but the funniest dad moment is his way of saying someone is bisexual: ac/dc. an alternate current or a direct current.
i liked that we actually had a conversation and were open and honest with each other. i shared my feelings on things and he did the same. the man has feelings! and he said he's fed up with the cold hearted bitch. they didn't even exchange anniversary gifts. they just had dinner where they probably didn't talk much. i feel bad for him. but he put himself in that stupid marriage. he actually said to me "i wonder sometimes if your mother and i would have meet at a later time in life..."
"then i wouldn't be here!"
(cue the olive garden waitresses singing happy birthday to a little girl in the booth behind us)