Random rocky Photo of the Day

Sep 24, 2005 17:06

Have I not posted any of these yet? Taken August 29, 1998 at the Nuart, I remember it as my friend Raven’s birthday and the day I bought my first new car, but also a few friends came by TO SEE THE SHOW. I almost couldn’t believe it. Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, daughter Eva, Thora Birch, Natalie Portman, Lukas Haas, and Anna Paquin were hiding in the alley when the cast let in to set up for the show. I was called out to the alley to talk to them and Susan asked me if they should just come in and sit down or wait until the film starts and sneak in. I told her that the less she was seen the better and asked her if she knew what would go on (her daughter was 13 at the time and I wanted her to feel comfortable). She looked at me like I was an idiot and I tried to tell her that they don’t just yell ‘slut’ anymore but she didn’t hear it. I did convince her and Tim to come in after the film started. Tim asked me if I had a lighter he could borrow and I handed it to him. He kind of smirked and asked if he could take it over there…pointing further down the alley. “Absolutely, it’s yours”, said I, now almost giggling at the thought of Tim toking up in my alley with my lighter. I had a camera on me; I eventually learned to have one on me at all times at Rocky Horror when I had missed so many celebrity opportunities. It kills me that I got no pic of Lenny Kravitz when he showed up and I even got to talk to him a bit, too. So I had someone take my picture with Susan, and a few more cast members trickled out and had group photos, most memorably our seven year old at the time tranny, Eden. I have a picture of Susan bending down to hear her.

After the movie started I called them in to sit in the seats we reserved for them in the second row, not that it was any secret by now that they were there. I mean seriously, a big star who was a main character in this cult movie that we watch week after week for decades, she was not going to blend. But they stayed, they got stared at a lot, my personal favorite part of the night was when Susan realized our Janet, sexychicken had her (Susan’s) face screenprinted on her white Janet panties! You could see the look of ‘what the hell is on the front of her..’ and then uproarious laughter. She, like Pat Quinn, was very appreciative of the celluloid version of her young self, it was dazzling apparent in her eyes. I know, it sounds like I was watching her the whole time! I hope I wasn’t but fuck, when am I ever going to have the chance again? From my usual seat in the front row I could glance back at them without looking like a Lookie-Loo. They left right before the movie ended and Ms. sexychicken ran after them, not sure why. Did she want to ask her something? A few weeks later she did an interview in which she mentioned seeing Rocky horror in L.A. (everyone knew it was us in the Rocky community) and that it was like being in a room full of people with Touret’s syndrome, "Like some kind of torture". All I know is that she was laughing and having fun the entire time and was treated like royalty that night. She sent sexychicken an autographed picture to our cast P.O. box a little while later. Pictued left to right are: riff_drifter, ajoyiaint, Kevin Mederos, Susan, Eden Mederos, Tim and Jason Mederos.


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