Worst Person in the World

Feb 21, 2007 18:26

I saw Bill O'Reilly on the Oprah show today, which in itself is hard to stomach. But the topic was child abduction, specifically talking about why children don't run when they are being held, what kind of fear tactics their aggressors hold over them, etc. Mr. O'Reilly was billed as an advocate for missing and exploited children, but I know that he himself asked why Shawn Hornbeck didn't run when he had the chance, suggesting that he liked being captive and staying out of school! I think I'm going to be sick, but I let Oprah know and I let Keith Olbermann know that this did not escape my radar and I am outraged. I'm betting that mine is not the only letter Oprah will get today.

To see the clip of O'Reilly making fun of the abducted child who was repeatedly raped by his abductor, click the link:

tv, political

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