the utility board turned the water off halfway through my bubble bath this morning. i was left with one hairy leg and shampoo in my eyes. luckily, wayne's Daddy was there with the save and necessary funds god bless 'im. i gotsta go by Western Union and run and pay the bill now.
well, after my ride shows up of course. 'cause i'm STRANDED in Farmer's Kentucky and the GEO is dead as a door nail.
oh yeah, and my toilet came loose from the wall and went through the floor about three inches. my Daddy's working on that today. god bless 'im.
plus i have two finals tomorrow. one of which i haven't even studied for yet. what a slacker.
but y'know what? ain't nothin' gonna' breaka my striiiiide.
'cause school is out after this week.
'cause i have a fabulous family AND a bitchin' new extended family.
'cause i got some intense cuddling this morning followed by even intenser sex.
'cause there are still videos like this one floating around youtube...
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