fuck, i have fallen behind at school this semester. and i didn't even realize it until the end snuck up on me. i've been busting ass all week. i have to get this presentation ready for work on Saturday. i have to finish up two response papers and re-read Gayl Jones' Corregidora. i have to finish treatments of Crystal Wilkinson's short story collection Blackberries, blackberries. i'm tryin' to adapt these short stories into a play. i've got a whopping TWO of them done so far. hahah. but at least the lovely Ms. Wilkinson enjoyed them, from what i hear.
did i mention i dyed my hair on my birthday? i don't think i did.
yeah, bubble gum-y. i put the color in a couple days after my birthday. 'cause why? 'cause i figure i only have a couple more years to do my 'do this ridiculously before i have to settle in and get truly responsible. might as well take advantage.
i have the fuckin' cutest photo accessory these days...
my cable got disconnected a couple weeks ago, but luckily my pal is working at the video store so i managed to finagle myself a new account. lots and lots and lots of movies have been watched. most recently, There Will Be Blood and Walk Hard. There Will Be Blood was excellent. i say go rent it immediately. the score was mega creepy and the cinematography was beeeeautiful. y'know, Daniel Day Lewis is always playing someone chock full of hate when he's such a mellow irish dude in the real world. he turns my tater. and Walk Hard...fuckin' hilarious. even funnier than Super Bad. ever since Freaks and Geeks i never miss anything with Judd Apatow's name on it.
and on a random note:
goddamn i wish i had some reefer.