1. how many/what countries have you been to? 1 mexico
2. pick a word out of the following: resin, ricochet, walnut, mandolino, sextant, Nobel, dynamite, panther, tepid, or division. dynamite
3. do you know why i put "dynamite" after "Nobel"? just curious - it really doesn't matter. no...
4. tell me a funny story. there was this guy who rode my bus and i really liked him and one day i got the nerve to ask him if i could sit with him on the bus and i go "hey ummm i'm mad at my friend and i don't want to sit with her today so i could sit with you?" and he goes "yea sure." so i sit down and then my friend gets on the bus and looks at me like omg i can't belive she's sitting with him. and then she was like trying to talk to me but i was like "i don't want to talk about it damnit" and she didn't know that i told him that i was mad at her so she thought it was real.
5. what does "kitsch" mean to you? in 1-3 words. stich fich bitch
6. show me a picture (or more than 1) you like! *hint: i don't neccesarily want to see you or your friends
http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v339/tooshie27/Picture_088.jpg 7. would you want to live forever? actually, i don't really care. how about...What do you think a sample of your hair would say about your phsical health, or you personally, when you die? spunky red head who never died it to get it that color, like some people think...
8. who the hell are these "scene" people anyway? que?
9. shoes - what kind you like and/or wear. my converse, but i need new ones.
10 a. what rhymes with your name? washley? i'm a loser
10 b. if you can't think of anything, you suck. but you can answer this - do you like to dance? sometimes
11. what are some of your interests that would be fit for this community's interest list? music ummm old buddies...
12. i guess i should probably ask - why do you want to join, why do you think you should be accepted?? b/c
13. Is that all you want to contribute so far? no but i can't think right now