Sick of being harrassed?

Mar 07, 2008 00:20

Tired of being shouted at, leered at, wanked at, rubbed against, or groped while out and about in Oz? Now it's your turn to shout back. Submit your photos and stories now!

After reading fuxysparkles latest post, I thought I should pass on some info.
So I've yoinked this recent post from aphephobia because I love reading her rants and I agree with ALL of them! I haven't included it all because it goes onto deal with more hardcore issues that make my blood boil far too much, so enjoy:

There is a Hollaback Australia blog - I was planning on doing one for Melbourne, but now I don't have to.

That said, I'm sure I'll be sending in plenty of pictures. I now have a reason to photograph creepy men in public.

And to anyone who dares even joke about this being "just a chick thing," I shall point out this much: no, it's not. Men who do this shit make the rest of you look bad, for one thing, for another, how would you like to be intimidated and treated like a fucking object solely because you're female and in public? (And then intimidated some more for objecting to it or flipping the bird.) As for men who encourage it or "don't see what the big deal is..." Just... die. Or, at least, stay the fuck away from me. It'll make everyone's lives better.

And if you're part of that 64% of women mentioned in an mX article the other day who find such behaviour flattering, I don't know whether I want you to get some serious therapy because if you're finding that flattering, you have some fucked up self-esteem/need for attention issues (any attention is better than none, right...? Erm, no, it really isn't), or just throw yourselves off cliffs, lemming-style and save the gene pool and the next generation of little girls having to grow up getting told how the patriarchy is from other women/. Seriously: MADE OF FAIL. GET OUT OF MY GENDER, FUCKWADS.
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