Confessions of a TiVo Addict

Jul 25, 2006 20:27

Do you have TV watching rules? Or strategies?

See, it's getting closer to the time when I give up television. It'll be good for me, right? Right? *clings to TV* I mean, I've been a TV/story addict all of my life. I remember fangurling over TV shows as far back as the 5th grade!

My first fangirl moment that I remember was over a Japanese anime about this battleship that was refitted into a spaceship and went out to find a new home for people. I can't remember the name of it, but I remember I was 'shipping pretty hard for the two lead characters. *grin*

Only with just weeks to go I find I'm obsessively watching TV, and in particular recording everything I'm even remotely interested in.

Like right now, I'm catching up on Dark Angel and Stargate SG-1. Now I hated Dark Angel when it first came out. I like it a bit more now - and it helps if I stick my fingers in my ears and hum loudly every time Jessica Alba tries to act tough. Hehehe.

I'm also recording Eureka, Dead Like Me, the Office, and Psych. It's like a TV marathon!!! Not to mention the convenient searches for favorite actors. I currently record ANYTHING with Jamie Bamber, Amanda Tapping, Christopher Eccleston, and John Krasinski.

Anything, I found that I've somehow developed these strategies for watching TiVo that sort of sprang out of nowhere. Call them rules, whatever you want - but I'm sure those of you who record shows or DL them have similar rules.

Here's mine; do you have any to add?

1) If possible try not to watch anything real time = you can't fast forward through the commercials without your TiVo "bonking" at you.

2) Set anything you've been meaning to watch on your "Now Playing" list to "Don't Delete". If you don't all of the little icons turn to !'s and just nag at you. Help, help, I'm being deleted! Watch me, waaaaatch meeeee....

3) Remember that not every obscure canadian actor will show up in the list of actors for a few months. *heavy sigh*. Just TRY to search for Penikett, or Tahmoh. TiVo just bonks at you.

4) When searching for obscure Canadian actors, remember they weren't always acting military characters. Just think Gaeta in Egypt, Gaeta in robes, Gaeta in dreadlocks - you get the point. It's Battlestar Culture shock. Prepare yourself with beer. Lots and lots of beer.

5) If it looks like Vancouver, it is. (Okay, that's not a strategy, but hey, what ISN'T filmed in Vancouver these days???)

6) Ahhh, rewind. (Lee emotes). Rewind. Lee emotes. Rewind Lee emotes rewind lee emotes rewindleeemotesrewind... The moral of this story is don't obsess.

7) You only have an hour to rewindleeemotes when watching in real time. The moral of this story is RECORD EVERYTHING. Oh, yeah, and don't,, panic...yeah, that.
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