Welcome to the HEARTMETER meme! This meme is for everyone to get their love on. (Or their death wishes, I guess, BUT YOU GET THE POINT.)
Here's how we play:
❤ Comment as your character. (One comment per character.)
❤ Reply to other characters.
❤ Use the heart meter below to show them how you feel! Only honest feelings are allowed!
❤ Respond to everyone who responds to you.
❤ The code for this meme is a property of
stutterbird :)
Here's the HEARTMETER:
"I would kill you."
❤ ❤
"I would physically or emotionally hurt you."
❤ ❤
"I wouldn't hurt you but I still don't like you."
❤ ❤
"You scare me or intimidate me."
❤ ❤
"I would like to get to know you better or I would like to meet you."
❤ ❤
"I would stupidly hero worship you."
❤ ❤
"I would spend time/have fun/be friends with you."
❤ ❤
"I respect you."
❤ ❤
"I would rescue you/fight by your side."
❤ ❤
"I would hug you or hold your hand."
❤ ❤
"I would kiss you."
❤ ❤
"I would date you."
❤ ❤
"I would have sex with you."
❤ ❤
"I would call you family."
❤ ❤
"I would love you."
❤ ❤
"This is not really a heart, this is me trolling you."
❤ This was
edited to add more hearts
Ask for html code and I'll PM it to you.
This code is huge and annoying to deal with, but obviously very pretty.