Title: Sweet Idiot
AnestelWriting Journal:
kits_candy_landGenre: DBSG
Pairing: YooMin
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Disclaimer: They are not mine.
Summary: Reasons why Changmin should not read in the living room and Yoochun shouldn't be left unattended.
Beginning Notes: Whee... so I hope you will enjoy this. I enjoyed writing it. :3 Also after a few days I lock my fics so after that you'll need to JOIN
kits_candy_land to view my fiction, though you don't have to WATCH the community which means that nothing will show up on your flist unless you want it to. :)
Word Count: 433
“Ouch! Would you watch what you’re doing?” Yoochun whined a little as he tried to push Changmin’s hands away from his face, giving him a slight glare.
Changmin gave a snort of annoyance and grabbed the other’s hands with one of his own, holding them down as his right hand went back to what he had been doing. “This is your own pathetic fault…and you came to me and not Jaejoong. Hello, idiot,” Changmin said matter-of-factly, reaching for something off the table beside where Yoochun was sitting and Changmin was standing over him.
Yoochun pouted a bit, wincing a bit as the other’s hand went back to work, pulling at his hands. “Let me go, you smartass,” he mumbled, with a petulant look on his face, crossing his arms once Changmin relented. He must have needed both hands for his work anyway.
“You know…it’s my not my fault you decided you'd introduce your precious forehead into the corner of the coffee table,” Changmin said, a hint of amusement in his voice. He had finally finished cleaning the small cut which was luckily not big enough to need stitches though it had been bleeding rather a lot. “What -were- you doing anyway?” he asked as he wiped his hands off before looking through the box of bandaids for one that would be appropriate for the wound, pondering just using gauze.
The older man made a face, his cheeks turning a bit pink. “It’s not like I did it on purpose! And well…that…I was trying to get your attention!” he finally declared, puffing out his cheeks some and wincing as Changmin practically slapped the bandaid on his forehead. “That hurt!”
“You’re an idiot,” Changmin said, his eyes narrowed at the other. “You could have gotten hurt worse!”
“You wouldn’t look up from your book so I decided dancing and singing at the top of my lungs might get your attention,” Yoochun muttered, looking away from the other, reaching up a hand and tenderly rubbing his forehead. “And then I tripped over the end of the couch and fell…” he finished.
Changmin sighed and kissed the other’s forehead softly. “You’re an idiot, a sweet idiot, but an idiot all the same,” he murmured against the bandaid, smiling slightly before pulling back. “But if you ever hurt yourself to get my attention again I’ll kill you understand?”
“I love you.”
“I love you more, my sweet idiot.”
“Somehow…I think I should be offended but I really can’t be.”
“It’s my charm.”
“I hate you…”
“You just said you love me.”
“…Why did I want your attention again?”
The End
A/N: I hope the ending dialogue wasn’t too stupid. It just wouldn’t stop coming. ><; Comments are ♥