Update Time... I guess
#1) I'm still working on my 10,000 page challenge. I've kinda slowed down on the progress though because I've been binging on fanfic lately. And given the quality of some of the fics I subject my brain to.... I don't think that they should count toward my goal.
Towards the end of March I'll be at the hall year point. But I'm only 500 pages away from the half way point for the goal. It shouldn't be hard to meet... I've just been very unfocused in my reading lately.
I can't seem to pick up a book that I want to read for extended periods of time lately. :(
#2) Went to a strange social gathering last night. It was through my church. People who were were in their 20's & 30's, single or married were invited to come. The fact that they needed to specify single or married struck me as odd. There isn't really a third state is there? I mean, unless you want to make a big deal about being engaged or in serious dating relationship.... but my church tends to lump engaged with married... except for when it comes to sex. But I digress.
I frequently feel out of place within church social groups because of my education. Not only am I overly educated because of my graduate work, committed the sin of studying psychology, but I went to public schools! (*gasp*) There is a theme in my church that the Christian Education provided by the WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) is the best and only way to go.
Now I'm all for parents having choices of where to send their kids to school and I think the small classroom sizes that the church schools are able to provide is the best way to go. HOWEVER, I think sending your kids to only church schools for the entirety of their education is stupid! (Note: there are instances where it might be appropriate... I'm thinking back to the small classrooms again and kids with special needs)
And the reason why most of the parents I've talked to want the church school for their kids? They don't want their children exposed to things they don't believe in! WTF, mate? This is wrong for so, so many reasons!
1) If you have a television in your house, not only are you exposed, you're contaminated!
2) If the whole science/evolution is the problem, parents can pull their kids out for that! Exposure controlled.
3) In order to function well in the outside world, the kids will need to be exposed to the ideas of others at some point and learn how to interact with others.
4) In early elementary school, kids tend not to get into religious or philosophical debates... unless it is the age old debate of who kicks more but: Power Rangers or Ninja Turtles!
5) Junior high on, I feel that the kids are old enough that they should have a good idea of what they believe and what they don't. In my church 7th and 8th graders go to confirmation class so they can become full members of the church. If they aren't secure enough in their faith at that point to be exposed to outsiders, should we be making them members of the church?
6) As Diane so eloquently stated last night, one's faith is only as strong as the challenges to it that one has faced.
7) Uh... we're supposed to want to share the good word and be missionaries. How can we do that while surrounded by others who think exactly like us?
8) There are a number of techniques that cults use to recruit and keep members. The only one that legitimate churches don't engage in is isolation. ... .... ... ... Church schools creep me out for this reason.... when it is for life.
(Side note: I totally wanted to got to the Lutheran High school when I was in junior high, but that was for education opportunities the small high school I was supposed to go to didn't have. And that was after I had spent 8 years in public schools. Mom didn't want me to go because of the money. Dad didn't want me to go because of the he knew just as many criminals who had gone to a church high school as had gone to public. But it worked out for me, we moved into a different district.)
So yeah. Last night was way awkward. I was so lucky I dragged Diane along. I owe her big time. (Putting on the best friend hat and going to scrabble club in a bit) The ladies were all nice, but they were all married, focused on motherhood & housewifery. Not a lot that two grad students would have in common with them. Of the males there, only one wasn't married. But it was ok. He turned out to be nice and just got his master's degree, and currently was living at home with his parents too! Diane said if he wasn't living in South Dakota (he came with his sister and brother-in-law) it might be worth going back again. TBH, he was the only one that I didn't feel like a complete outsider talking to. AND I've been a Lutheran since I was 10! I should not still feel like an outsider after nearly 18 years.
Grumble. Grumble.
Diane is like the best friend ever for not saying "let's go" after five minutes. (Of course there was a small child with a book to distract her for a half hour ;D)
#3) I'm finally starting to have fewer hours at work. Hopefully I'll be around more come March.