NCIS Gibbs/DiNozzo & McGee/Abby NC-17 Anime-Styled Pics

Dec 15, 2009 04:13

I plan on printing basis pics for when I draw the pics Saturday (and what I mean is I'll use the pics as basics for my drawings since I don't draw well when they're on the laptop) [(I also like drawing on paper more than using photoshop to draw- though I'll use photoshop to color them in since I've misplaced my color pencils...)]. It's definitely Gibbs/DiNozzo and McGee/Abby NC-17 Anime-Styled pics, since I don't do human portraits very well. I'm doing it Saturday since RL's in the way and my man's the owner of the printer. He said he'll print the pics I want out, and as soon as I get the drawings produced, I'll scan it and post them. He's also the owner of the scanner. I'll also be posting OLD pics of mine that the majority of them are my original character, Mobile Suit Gundam Wing characters, Pokemon characters, Sailor Moon characters, Dungeon & Dragons Original character and many more... Some may be R rated. I'll post them under rating cuts after I've scanned them.

*Update* (Fri., Dec. 18): RL hit us nasty yesterday (Thurs., Dec. 17), with the amp. my man has in our SUV- it supposedly blew a fuse, so Saturday is a no-go on printing the pics for me to use- until Sunday. I'll just have to crunch down on time- having breaks every two hours to do stretches and eat/do bathroom breaks. I would probably be able to post the Gibbs/DiNozzo pic on Sunday night, and the McGee/Abby pic by Monday evening- when my man gets home. The amp.'s fuse is gonna cost us, and he needs to swing by an Audio Connection place to get the radio checked out since it's been on the fritz for a while now. By the time that's dealt with, we have to go shopping to stock up on food for our pets and the strays in the neighbor- and afterwards, we'll be too busy getting our dinner reservations for me to get him to print anything. THIS SUCKS! I was hoping to get started Saturday until the stupid fuse had to go kuplutz! Damnit!

mcgee/abby, gibbs/dinozzo, ncis, slash

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