Keith is due for a belt promotion. We attended the MAA regional belt ceremony yesterday to witness his promotion and get his new belt: white belt with yellow stripe as well as the certificate that come with the belt. The event lasted 2 hours and Keith (and other Tiger level/Black Belt Club Tiger students, asides from their very young age)
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Piw, cantik banget Piw di weddingnya Diana ;) Elo imut2 yah badannya.. cakep banget deh :D
Seru Ke weddingnya...elo dah dpt update-annya dari Oni belon? hihi...
Lah iya nih gue sibuk jadi inem di rumah kagak sempet telp Oni update lol
Jadi Inem? ngapain, Ke? masak2 n bersih2 rmh? dine out aja Ke, disana kan makanannya sedap2 hihi..
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