Allergy, Kidwatch Plus, Summer Camp, Toy Planes

Jun 07, 2007 17:32

Allergy Medicines
Keith got a new prescription for his three month dosage of Singulair. He also got inhaler and mask just in case.

Kidwatch Plus
Kidwatch Plus is the daycare that Keith has started going to since April 07. It's a non profit organization. The building is owned by Chicago School District and the institution shares the building with a Chicago Middle School.
Keith goes there three times a week, gets in in the morning until noon. He cried during the first week but started catching up on self help skills (that he lacked of) on the first day. He loves going there now.
Here are some pics of the place:

Summer Camp
During the Summer Camp Keith will take naps at the daycare center. He's still a part timer but will stay there for full day during the summer.
The Summer Camp starts next week so we're getting ready to make sure we have all the stuff that he needs at the daycare during the camp. Some of the stuff that we need to wear or have in his locker during the Summer Camp are swimming suit, beach towel, sweater or jacket, a complete change of clothes, hat, water shoes, and white T-shirt. Keith and I went to Target yesterday and got some new basic tees, low-cut socks, SpongeBob Boys Briefs (suka banget nonton SpongeBob) and hats at Target's Dollar Corner (those are meant for Dads but fit for keith, since they're can be easily misplaced I got 2, oh ya also got one of those swimming rings, 2 for $1). These are some other stuff that we got at Target:

Disney Cars Map Beach Towel

Keith didn't want his Thomas shoes to be replaced but I insisted for him to wear this to daycare. They're supposed to be easy for him to put on if he doesn't resist to have them on :) Tadi pagi masih nangis2 gak mau pake, tapi untung mau dipaksa. Pulang dari daycare gue tanya 'Do you like your new shoes? Keith suka yah sama sepatu barunya?' jawabannya yah pendek aja seperti biasa 'yes' :)

Toy Planes
Keith's interests in toy planes and aircraft games are getting stronger each day and his collection of toy planes are growing. He also started getting familiar with the model of the aircrafts. Some are bombers, fighter planes, he even loves the chubby Hercules. Some are current and some are from the WW II, one of his favorites is P47 Thunderbolt. He misplaced it and he got very sad. I told him that we didn't have it anymore and to replace the missing one, we need to get another set of planes at the Museum Science and Industry. And that exactly what he demanded every day! Ya udah akhirnya pergi deh kita ke museum beli itu Thunderbolt!
Wan went with him a couple days ago to Toys R Us and got two more sets of toy planes, including another Thunderbolt. Just yesterday I found the missing thunderbolt, so now he has 3 Thunderbolts, 3 Mustangs, and there are more multiple planes. Tapi favoritenya pindah2. Nah sekarang lagi Thunder yg dia senengin, ini ada photonya di akhir entry ini. Tapi ya kenapa yg jadi favoritenya itu ya yg sering ilangan. Udah banyak pesawat gitu ya tetep aja tiap hari dikerjain ama Keith nyariin pesawat dia yg misplaced, dasar laki2 pikun. Yang kecil aja udah keilangan pesawat melulu, yg cowok grown up ya alhasil sering keilangan dompet and kunci mobil. Udah default kayaknya yah...

Ini Wan2 yg moto gak tau kapan.

Ini yg pake baling2 udah pasti dari jaman WWII

Sekarang sering minta diphoto sama pesawat2nya.

Pake pose segala

Itu tuh si Thunder kesayangan

Nongkrong depan rumah ama Thunder

Pesawatnya kemanaaa matanya kemana, di jalanan depan rumah ada yg menarik kali

Biasanya mama papanya ya disuruh jadi pesawat musuh, nanti ditembak ama dia.

summer, daycare, camp, allergy, planes, kidwatch

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