Jul 09, 2010 21:18
I went off the anti-depressant. I did not do this in a staged, doctor supervised manner. I simply ran out at a time when I was constantly on the road and decided I was fine and didn't bother.
I saw my doctor last week and told her I was doing fine without it. I was deep in denial. I am anything but fine. Last night I finally faced up to the number of critical things not getting done, the messed up sleep, the lack of energy, the desire to stare blindly at mindless tv, and the constantly being on the edge of tears. This morning I called my doctor and confessed to being deeply depressed again. She called in the prescription.
I will be more or less sane again in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, we are having the interrment ceremony for my husband at Arlington National on Teusday. I am trying to sort out a huge house. I am getting estimates on expensive repairs and talking to Real Estate people. Life is crazy and so am I.
If I say something that is awful, it's not about you and I will regret it once my mind comes back.