I love this show and I must talk about it :):)
I love each and every scene of Will and Dr. Lecter’s facing off because they are both so well matched in brilliance and cunning that watching their chess match is a thing of beauty. However, I could do without Alana and Lecter’s bedroom scenes-I think he is rather unsexy and I don’t really need to see any sex scenes with him. EVER! And I wonder if Alana will believe that Will wanted Lecter dead to protect her and not because he though that Beverly was killed by Lecter’s hand. I also liked seeing Will’s connection with Peter, the brain damaged suspect-he sees himself in the poor man and I hope Will’s able to get Peter better help than a psychopath of a social worker. I also liked our first glimpse of Margo-- I liked her anger at her brother Mason and that she wants to kill him for-at least in the novel Hannibal-for raping her when they were kids-- but also in the novel she’s a body builder. I kind of wanted her to have that in the TV series too.
But what the hell is up with NBC and their need to remake already excellent movies with crappy remakes? Let me count the ways Rosemary's Baby will be horrendous:
1. Zoe Saldana is no Mia Farrow. Mia had a fragility to her Rosemary that belied her actual strength of character in dealing with her husband and his handing her over to a coven of witches. In all of the trailers I've seen, Zoe's Rosemary looks unhinged and while Mia looked damn adorable in her short, pixie hair cut, Zoe's looks like an unkempt crack addict.
2. Why did the producers feel the need to move the setting from NYC to Paris? Are Roman and Minnie now French? I don't think so.
3. Apparently the scene where Rosemary is raped by the devil will be much more graphic than in the original film. I need to ask why? That scene in the original worked so well because we weren't quite sure what was happening--was Rosemary dreaming--and there was a nightmarish feel to the scene and to the entire movie that worked. It didn't need to be graphic to be terrifying.
4. The previews also have a scene with Guy whining to Roman about his lack of success. Again why? The reveal that Guy was in on it from the beginning is gorgeous, especially when he tries to justify all of the pain we watched Rosemary go through "as no big deal, she wasn't really ever hurt" so that when she spits in his face, we're cheering with her to do it again.
5. I'm afraid the production will do some horrible CGI to show a monstrous baby and again, the reason the original worked so beautifully is that we never actually saw the baby, so that we could imagine all of types of horrors.