BBC Sherlock's Sign of Three

Jan 27, 2014 10:22

But first a weather update:)  The weather is finally above freezing--a lovely 32 degrees F and it feels great!  Now we'll be back in the deep freeze Tuesday and Wednesday, but Thursday starts a warming trend of temps in the middle 30's and up--so we can get through the bad two days and then things start to improve.  I feel like such a weather expert--WOO HOO!!!

Now onto this wonderful episode--The Sign of Three

This was a gorgeous and emotional episode!

I loved how nervous Sherlock was to do a good job as John’s best man and that all of his friends could see it.  I especially loved how Mary kept encouraging John to find a case for both of the boys’ sakes-she is truly a good and kind person who loves John and wants what is best for him and his best friend.

I literally howled at John and Sherlock being drunk together and then their trying to investigate a case?  FABULOUS!  But truly, Lestrade would have gone drinking with them.  In fact, he probably would have loved to see Sherlock drunk off his ass.

The wedding looked beautiful and I especially liked Molly in that yellow dress.  Sherlock’s toast was beautifully emotional and showed the depth of feeling he has for John and now Mary.  I also liked that Sherlock got to do what he does best-solve a murder while getting to show off.  He really could have stayed longer at the reception-he could have danced with Molly or Mrs. Hudson or Archie or he could have hung out with Lestrade, drinking.  He doesn’t have to isolate himself because he had plenty of friends there who would have hung out with him, but yet again, he made his choice to go it alone and he has to live with it.

Now onto the bad:

Harry couldn’t be bothered to come to her own brother’s wedding?!  What a selfish cow!  She could have come to the church, wished John and Mary well and then left, never having stepped foot in the reception-John would have understood.  That is beyond the pale and I don’t wonder why John doesn’t have a good relationship with her.

I could have done without seeing Irene Adler and her overwrought actress again, even if it was in deduction scene.  But her quick scene did highlight why Mary is so much more awesome then she is-Irene was jealous of John and Sherlock’s close relationship and tried to undermine it because she's a hateful shrew.  Mary sees the friends’ bond and does her best to help it flourish because she wants what’s best for them both.

John hates the name Hamish so I find it very interesting that so many fanfic writers name Sherlock and John’s kid Hamish-John would never do that to his offspring.

All in all, another fabulous episode!

i believe in all sherlock holmes, bbc sherlock, sherlock holmes

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