Oh man, but it's good to see Steve :):)
1. The McDanno was fabulous as always. I liked Danny's reaction to Steve's non-answers because you could tell he was about to blow a gasket but then Steve pointed out that they were on an unsecured line and Danny calmed down slightly. I also liked Steve's glancing at his watch while Danny was ranting--they were on a timetable to get Wo Fat back to Hawaii but he didn't want to cut Danny off either--that a boy :)
2. The Wo Fat/Steve dynamic was damn interesting because Wo Fat doesn't hate Steve, he just sort of sees Steve as someone who is in the way of his attaining his goals. On the other hand, Steve does hate Wo Fat and I think our criminal mastermind is truly puzzled as to why Steve hasn't killed him yet. Lastly, the Shelburne storyline will hopefully be resolved next week because this has been dragging on way too long.
3. Danny is always superb but his face when he realizes that the CIA was going to make Wo Fat and by extension Steve disappear was perfectly done. Was the CIA prepared to kill Danny if his informant hadn't cut him out of the chair he was tied to and helped him escape to intercept Steve and Wo Fat? And who is Danny kidding, he loves Steve's cargo pants :):)
4. What is with making the women weak in the face of their feelings? Kono knowingly gets involved with Adam despite his ties to organized crime and then whines that they can't be seen in public together because "she just wants to be with him?" And how was he able to tie her up? Did she even put up any resistance? And when she shot the lawyer it was more of "Don't hurt the man I love" which was also kind of nauseating.
ETA: Adam seemed to be as torn up as Kono but how did they think their secret relationship was going to end? Someone was going to get hurt and if Adam had his way Kono would have still been tied up at that house when he brought back Wo Fat. And after he killed Wo Fat what was he going to do with Kono?
5. I liked that when Steve's finally face to face with his team, we get hugs all around and adorable banter full of unexpressed worry and concern. I do hope Danny mentions Steve's disappearing act again though--no way can it be that easily rectified.
Alex did look wonderful and I hope is able to maintain his health going into S3.