Jan 11, 2008 15:16
Hope Everyone is having a good Friday. Here is my attempt to keep my New Years Resolution to "Keep in Touch". I had a wonderful Christmas holiday, a huge snowstorm keep me in PEI for an extra day on the 2nd of January.
First week back was fun, my classes are great and having them all in the morning means that my afternoon are relatively free except for an half hour or hour of tutor sessions. Karate club started up on the first day back and as exhilarating as it was, I came out of that two hour session sore and bruised. It's great to be back. My sparing is getting better, I've started to combined my attack and blocks at once. ^_^
Christmas has come to my house in Sackville, because of a broken key in the lock of our front door my house is now sporting a nice shiny bronze doorknob and the dryer has finally died and has been replace by a (second hand) newer model. I cannot wait to do my first wash no more waiting 2 hours for dry cloths and worrying how much this is going to raise our electric bill.
I had a substantial amount of Christmas money this year and I have bought a new camera. I have been wanting a really good camera for a while now. Only problem is that it is still in PEI, I can't wait for my parents to send it along. ^_^
TGIF Everyone, and Have a great weekend.
new year